Genma x Reader |Let's Meet Again|

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This was requested by Kimi ( on Quotev.


3rd POV

Genma, being an elite guard of the Hokage, did not have much time for such events as vacations. However, today was a special two weeks of the year when Genma got a chance to unwind. Genma usually stayed at home or went out with his friends when on break, but he felt like doing something different this time around. The air was clear, the weather was sunny, and there were only a few clouds in the deep blue sky. It was perfect weather for a trip to the beach. 

Not wanting to go completely alone, Genma decided to invite a friend to come along. When he reminisced about it, Ebisu looked like a perfect candidate. He was also on a short break and, he did not have any other plans that could intervene with his offer to Ebisu, Genma hoped. Plus, it was a good way to catch up with his old teammate. 

Just like expected, Ebisu accepted his comrade's offer and was more than glad to have been invited. Not wasting much time on picking a beach, the duo selected a place not far from Konoha and set off as soon as they packed the needed materials. 

The trip was rather exhausting because of the increasingly blazing heat radiating from the sun. Both ninjas were exhausted by the time they arrived at the hotel next to the beach they selected, so the two simply stayed in the cool hotel room provided for them. 

On the next day, Genma and Ebisu woke up fairly early and hurried to the beach. The weather would get hotter as the day progressed, so the morning was the best time to relax and swim in cool water without much people around. 

"Did you grab towels and sunscreen?"


The two exchanged a brief conversation on what they brought along as they headed towards the beach, wearing light and casual clothing. As they arrived, a perfectly favorable spot stood out among the few people that were already by the shore. What concerned Genma was that the place was located near a volleyball court, but the positives overpowered the negatives in this situation. Hence that, Ebisu and Genma settled at that location. 

Spreading out the towels across the sand, Genma relaxed as he laid down, embracing the slight heat of the early sunlight. He assumed Ebisu was doing the same until he looked over and did not spot him on the towel adjacent to his. Genma was curious as to why his friend would not tell him where he was going, so he lazily pushed himself up and put a sand-dusted hand above his eyes to look around the area. As Genma conclusively detected his comrade, he realized that Ebisu was chatting with several people. Genma slowly walked over to the group after he placed medium sized rocks at the corners of his and his friend's towels to make sure they will not be carried away by the wind. 

"Who're you talking to, Ebisu?" Genma called out as his eyes scanned across the people that were engaged in the conversation. "Ah, Genma," Ebisu tuned to Genma as he pushed his glasses up his nose, "this group of people inquired help with finding a good spot for playing a sport, and, since we are by a volleyball court, I thought I would show them where it is!" "Hah, alright. Hey, I'm Genma." Genma introduced himself as he let a relaxed smile slip onto his lips. Among the group of people, he noticed a girl with (h/c), (h/l) hair smile back and shyly wave at him. Genma liked the aura around her and hoped that they would get to talk more. 

"Follow me, I'll show you where the volleyball court is," he said as he shifted the long toothpick around in his mouth. Genma smirked at the betrayed expression on Ebisu's face as he led the group away from his friend. Knowing about his Perverted antics, Genma did not want to give Ebisu the satisfaction of gaining the respect of several women he was attempting to help. Playing small jokes like this was always something Genma enjoyed. 

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