Chapter 2 ~ Captive

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Chapter Two: Captive


I watched Atanas sleeping on the couch, scared to even breath in case it would wake him. Returning from the grave must take more energy than he let on for he was barely moving, completely lost in his slumber. He was weak now, vulnerable, I could run...but he would hunt me down, he had said as much. 

My fingers tightened around the hilt of the blade I held, my breathing quickening.

I took slow steps until I was standing by the couch. He didn't move, showing no sign that he was aware of my presence. I lifted the blade, one well placed stab and this would be over. Do it, my instincts screamed at me. But consequences and fear kept me still. If the council found out I had killed an escaped imprisoned, would I be punished for overstepping the law? He hadn't been killed which meant the council had wanted to keep him alive for a reason, perhaps just to torture him for eternity, which meant they wouldn't notice if he had escaped and I killed him, unless they checked on him...

Hesitating only made me think more and I couldn't have that. Hesitation killed, that was something I had learned in my long life. Maybe he didn't deserve to die, perhaps his crime hadn't been bad for I knew the council were quick to silence anyone that disagreed with them and even I disagreed with them on some things, though I would never say so out loud.

Yet, he had imprisoned me in another way. He had taken my home from me, forced me to help him, threatened me, what if he never let me go? I refused to let another man control me, I had lived my human life on the whims of men that had eventually led to my death, I was the toy of my creator as a new vampire, but I was not that weak child anymore. My jaw clenched with new found resolve and, with all the strength I could muster, I brought the blade down to his chest.

The blade should have sunk into his chest with ease, should have broken through ribs and pierced his heart but I was met with resistance. A whimper of dread left my lips as a pale hand grabbed the blade, bright blue eyes glaring at me. The knife was tossed across the room and I was pulled over the couch and pinned against the pillows with Atanas hovering above me, fangs glittering in the light.

Before I could think to fight him off, to scream, to kick, Atanas chuckled, making me pause. He made no move to harm me, simply kept my arms pinned above my head, sitting in my legs to keep them still.

"I have to admit, you did better than I gave you credit for. I apologise for underestimating you, that was my mistake." He muttered, quietly enough that I questioned if he was actually talking to me or just affirming a suspicion to himself.

I was frozen in shock.

"" I stuttered, studying the calm face above me, trying to figure out what he was thinking, what his next move would be.

He grinned then released me, sitting by my feet and relaxing back against the couch as if I hadn't come close to ending his life. He looked me over, pride in his eyes, the confusion it caused making me so dizzy, I thought I was going to be sick. I sat up slowly, expecting him to pounce but he maintained his composure.

"I would have thrown you out had you not attempted to kill me, it would have shown a weakness and submission that would be useless in my guard. It pleases me to know you have strength." He explained, his calm features turning to a snarl as he suddenly pinned me painfully again, "Just know, if you ever try something like that again, I will tear your throat out."

I nodded fiercely, knowing he would keep that promise and that I had lost my one and only chance to be free of him, "You have my word."

He released me again, smiling happily, "Good."

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