Chapter 26 ~ Carry On, Carry On

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Unedited, feel free to point out mistakes. Enjoy!

Chapter 26: Carry On, Carry On

The livingroom looked as if a hurricane had torn through it. All the artifacts that Padraig had kept safely in glass cases were strewn all over the floor, some smashed beyond repair. I cringed. I was a lover of historical artifacts and seeing them like this caused a pang in my chest. Anna must have really been in a rage.

"This is a good sign..." Atanas trailed off, coming up behind me.

I snorted, "How on earth did you come to that conclusion?"

"Well, some of these things are hard to break and she managed, that means she's gaining strength at least," he replied, nudging the remains of a vase with his boot.

I hummed. He had a point I supposed. Anna was up on her feet far sooner than I thought she'd be. Sometimes the change could takes days and she was screaming the house down the next day.

Now it was eerily quiet and I strained to find even the slightest sound of movement. Atanas was peeking behind a curtain, narrowly avoiding the rays of a setting sun that would have scorched his skin. I stared at him wide eyed but he simply grinned and shrugged.

I rolled my eyes.

We had both thought it was later. In fact, I was surprised I'd woken up so early, even if we hadn't exactly gotten out of bed straight away. My cheeks flushed, remembering how my mate had taken me again and again until the world was a blur and the memories of the last few days were but a far off nightmare.

As soon as darkness fell however, Atanas would have to go back to the city and I knew I couldn't let him out of my sight but the thought of seeing that damned house again sent a shiver up my spine. I didn't want to bloody walls and shredded bodies.

"Anna, no, please! I got that from Augustus himself, there's no other like it on the entire wor-"

Padraig's pleads were cut short by yet another item smashing, the sound drifting from further in the house. Looking up, I sent a prayer to the gods. If she touched anything else in that hall, I might become just as angry as Padraig.

"You're worried about a few stupid, musty, boring, old clay pots when you killed me yesterday!" Anna screamed back.

Sharing a look with Atanas, we both jogged towards the yelling, hoping to put an end to it. She definitely wasn't taking it well and something gnawed at my gut at the thought my own hand had played in her fate.

The door to the hall was hanging off its hinges and Padraig was standing in the middle of the room with his hands raised defensively while Anna aimed a sharp looking dagger at him. My eyes widened. Quickly, I jumped between them but I'd mistimed it and Anna threw the blade before I could react and move out of the way again. 

Blinking in a daze, I stared at the long dagger that now stuck out just inches above my heart. The pain didn't really register until Atanas was by my side. Blood trickled down my shirt, leaving a dark and shiny trail behind it.

"Motherfucker," I muttered, grasping the handle with a shaking hand.

"Shylah! Shit, I'm sorry, I swear I wasn't aiming at you!" Anna cried, running over.

Atanas hissed, his eyes darkening dangerously at the newly turned vampire who stumbled back in fear. Padraig pulled Anna further back but she yanked herself away from his touch.

The blade slipped out easily and I was more than used to the burn as it tugged at broken skin. My body was already healing though, Atanas' powerful blood ran through my veins. I gave Anna a slightly disgruntled look, opening my mouth to berate her until I saw the tears that streamed down her face.

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