Chapter 19 ~ Lions Den

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Chapter 19: Lions Den

Atanas lay sleeping soundly, but his brow was furrowed in a frown. Whatever he was dreaming about, he wasn't happy and it pained me to wonder which moment of his past haunted his dreams. Caressing over his cheek, I smiled as his features smoothed out, the corner of his lips twitching into a smile.

"I love you, Atanas," I whispered softly before kissing him softly, "That's why I have to do this. You've given me a family, and I have to protect them."

I wasn't sure if I was trying to convince myself of this as well, but the more I thought of the horrors Anna was possibly being subjected to, the firmer my resolve became. Even with that knowledge, when I stood from the bed my heart clenched tight, stealing the breath from me. Atanas reached out for me on the bed, mumbling unhappily in his sleep which only made it that much harder.

This time when I turned away, I forced myself not to look back. My steps were silent as I took the stairs and turned for the basement, avoiding the rays of light that filtered through gaps in the curtains. The jingle of chains had me pausing half way down the cold basement stairs but I made myself continue. The smell of old and new blood hit me like a wall when I reached the bottom and my nose scrunched.

Copper lingered on my tongue.

A single candle lit up a portion of the room but Mirdull was no more than a black shape in the dark while my eyes adjusted to the new light.

"What do you want, Little Bird?" Mirdull muttered weakly, shifting so half of his bloody features were revealed.

I couldn't help but cringe. His eye was swollen and black, his cheek crusted with drying blood. He chuckled at my aghast expression, revealing a red mouth.

"Centuries of seeing scenes just like this and still you cannot stand it. How one as pure as you was destined for this is a mystery," he mused, leaning his head back against the wall.

He looked tired, his eyes glazed over. Mirdull had resigned himself to his fate it seemed, and he didn't look like he much cared. There was a blankness in his expression that was more terrifying than seeing his fury.

"You and Airell made sure that I am no longer pure," I hissed, my hands fisting because I refused to feel any pity for him.

He hummed, tipping his head, "We did our best, but I'm talking about your soul. You're here to save that witch aren't you? If we'd broken you down like we'd attempted, there would be no room in your heart for love, or caring, or guilt."

I looked away, not wanting to hear any of his thoughts on my ability to care. I'd spent decades making sure there was nothing in my life I'd worry too much about losing.

"Airell is no longer in Edinburgh is he? He's moved base to the city near here, you'll tell me exactly where," I demanded, crouching before him.

Mirdull considered me a moment before he laughed again and this time I saw the extent of Thierry's work. His fangs had been removed. I did my best not to flinch but the tension of my body gave away my disgust.

"Are you flying back to your cage willingly, Little Bird, all for that mortal? My, my, you really have gone soft. I don't know where Airell's base is, but I'm sure he'll have eyes all over the city now, all you have to do is walk in," he finally said, smirking, "I can't wait to get free of this place so I can play with you again and I will watch every person in this house die when I do. I'll make sure to bring you the head of your lover, or maybe you'd prefer his heart."

My fist flew, cracking against the side of Mirdull's cheek with a sickening crunch without thought. He spat blood to the stone floor but my reaction only amused him. He grinned at me while blood dripped from his chin and I wondered if his time down here had made him a little unhinged.

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