Chapter 7 ~ Allegiance

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Shylah above :)

Chapter 7: Allegiance

My heavy boots slapped against the wet cobbled streets, water splashing up and leaving drops of mud on my jeans. I didn't care, my only thought was of getting home and hoping Atanas was there.

Rain was pelting down, soaking my clothes and hair that was stuck to my cheek. Thunder rumbled in the distance, followed closely by sparking blue lightening that tore through the sky. The street lights were out, and no light shone through windows, leaving the streets shadowy black.

The door to the flat couldn't open quickly enough and waiting in the elevator proved too much for my patience. Spinning round, I barged through the doors and took the stairs up two at a time. The lights flickered in the hall before cutting out completely and it took a moment for my eyes to adjust. The brass number 23 on my door seemed to glare at me, telling me I wouldn't find what I wanted inside. My hand grasped the handle and my ears strained for any sound of movement, only to be met with nothing.

I pushed in, closing the door quietly behind me.

"Atanas?" I whispered, not wanting to disturb the silence of the dark room.

Shadows seemed to sway and change before my eyes, shapes that seemed like bodies rising up from the floor.

A flash of orange and a pale face illuminated in its light had me jumping back with a scream.

Atanas didn't grin at my fear like I thought he would. He placed the candle on the kitchen counter before lighting another.

"I wasn't sure you'd come back." Atanas muttered, spreading candles around the room.

I shifted awkwardly, watching him move like a cat around the room, all silent steps and graceful movements.

"I wasn't sure you would be here if I did come back." I admitted honestly, though I'd never admit the relief I felt at him being here.

The heat of the nearby candles seemed to awaken my senses and suddenly I was freezing. My hair clung like icy fingers to my face and I shivered, wrapping my arms around me.

Another roll of thunder kept the room from being silent again and this time the flash of lightening lit up the room like the flash from a camera that would have captured Atanas and I staring at each other. There was a tension between us, one that fizzled with electricity. Now that the room was lit in a dim orange glow, it didn't feel as empty as it had before.

"You're freezing, you should go dry up." Atanas said, dropping a lighter on the table with a clatter.

I shook my head vehemently, "We need to talk."

His smile was soft but it never reached his eyes. He took a seat on the couch, blue eyes watching me with something akin to concern.

"We have all the time in the world, Shylah. Go and get some dry clothes on before you freeze."

I wanted to point out that as a vampire, the cold was no more than a feeling. I couldn't get ill, I wouldn't get hypothermia, the worst thing would be that I looked like a bedraggled mess with rats tails for hair. Instead I nodded and made my way to my room where Atanas' scent was strong, especially around my bed. Had he sat here while he waited for me to come home? My fingers ran along the covers, there was no telling that he had.

I dried myself off quickly, pulling on more comfortable clothes. Jogger bottoms and a baggy shirt may not have made me queen of the fashion department, but I was past the point of caring. I marched my way back into the living room and sat on the armchair across from Atanas. Without giving him a moment to say anything or compose himself, I battered him with my tirade of questions.

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