Chapter forty three

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I didn't want to face anyone today, I wanted to crawl up in a hole and never show my face to anyone again but I knew I couldn't do that. 

I need to accept what I have decided and as painful as it may be it's for the best, I don't know if Ryder knows who took the money but once he finds out it was me I know he will be hurt and angry.

I sigh before turning away from the mirror Once I have finished getting ready, I grab my bag before slowly walking out.

Thank god Mia has already left, i don't think I could handle another talk about heartbreaks and choices that I have to make, I left my apartment full of nerves but I tried to put in a brave face.

I walked into work slowly walking into the elevator, I pressed the top floor before leaning against the wall, I hadn't talked to Ryder for ages and to be honest I was happy about it, I didn't want to face him and the time when I didn't talk to him at all was fine but not unfortunately not everything lasts forever.

I step into my office before locking the door, I run a hand through my hair relieved that I had made it without seeing Ryder, now all I have to do is avoid him for the rest of the day, which sounds easier than it is.

I move away from my door before my chair is turned the other way around, confused I walk over and when I see Ryder there my heart stops beating.

"Addison, I thought you had moved to another country" He says before standing up and walking towards me.

I move back slowly before my back hits the door, there was no point in trying to escape, I was trapped by his strong arms blocking my way out, he looks at me with a smirk but it doesn't reach his eyes.

"Um, I, well" there was no words that formed into a sentence so I stopped talking all together.

"Lost for words?" He says before I turn away avoiding his powerful gaze.

"Is that why you broke up with me over text? You couldn't say it yourself" he says almost angry.

"About that, look I just wanted some-" I begin to lie but he stops me.

"Space? Addison that makes no sense" he says before he moves a strand of hair away from my face.

"Well It does to me, please leave" I say my heart hurting.

"No, not until you explain to me why-" 

"I don't want a relationship okay so just go" i day turning away so he wouldn't see my eyes watering.

"Fine, I have wasted enough time anyway" he says before he slams the door shut.

I lock the door again before wiping the tears that fell silently down my face.

I took a deep breath before trying to work, But I couldn't.

It's funny after all the beating, hitting, physical pain that I went through with my father hurting Ryder hurt me more than any punch I have ever taken.

I sigh before I just stare out the window for what seems like forever.

A knock on the door alerts me to jolt out of my thoughts and look at the time, how is it 1:00pm already?

"Addison?" Cindy asks me before I walk over to the door after I made sure I looked presentable.

I unlocked the door before Cindy hugs me, I hug her back hesitantly before she pulls away. 

"Okay, we have to go out for lunch now" she says pulling my hand, I don't move and she looks at me weirdly.

"What's wrong?" She asks before I sigh.

"Nothing, actually I am not hungry you can go" I say before sitting down back at my seat.
"No come on" she says before I sigh again.

"No, really please go, have fun I will talk to you later" I say before typing on computer actually getting some work down.

"Ok if your sure" she says before I nod my head in a reply.

"Ok bye then" she says softly before I wave to her.

She closes the door behind her before taking the elevator to the first floor I assume.

I would be lying if I didn't say I felt bad but it had to be done, I couldn't lie to her as well.

I continue working until it's time to leave, I am happy that I didn't see Ryder again but I was also upset about it, what was he doing? I saw him leave and didn't come back.

I shrug my shoulders before grabbing my things and then walking out the door, I unlock Ryder's empty office before placing the file on his desk.

I scan the room and sigh, his office smelled of his after shave and it made me miss him even more, I guess I made this decision, I can't be missing him.

I step out of the office before locking it again, I step into the elevator and press the first floor.
I see everyone has left which means I have to lock up.

Once everything is done I step out and lock the building's front door, I slowly keep walking until my phone rings.

"Hey Addy" Mia says happily on the other line.

"Hey Mia what's up?" I ask trying to sound sad.

"Can you please pick some food from that fancy place across the road?" She asks, I stare across the road and sure enough a restaurant name fancy cuisine is there.

"Sure but why there?" I ask confused.

"I placed an order in this morning but I don't enough time to get it, dan is coming tonight and I wanted something special" she says before I mentally groan.

"Ok fine, see you later" I say before hanging up.

I thought I had already dealt with enough shit today, guess I was wrong I have to deal with Dan now.

I cross the road before walking into the huge restaurant, damn this place is really fancy that explains why I had never of it before.

After I went up to the front to explain the order I looked around the restaurant while I was waiting.

As I was looking around right before my very eyes was Ryder sitting with the one and only Tessa smith.

Oh my god, out of everyone he had to be having dinner with her?

"Hello Addison" Ryder says before wrapping his arms around Tessa.

Question of the day:

What do you think Ryder's intention is when Addison sees them together?

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