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Tony's POV

The email from the news agency came  quickly after I emailed from the head editor of the paper. I guess that was one of the perks of being famous.
Dear Mr Stark
I regret to inform you that once a article has been printed, it cannot be recalled, even on the internet. I apologise that this article has cause you and the other people in the article harm however what has been done cannot be taken back.
I do however like the idea of redeeming you in the eye of the public. If you can indeed prove that you and 'Leah' , as you referred to her in your email, are not related and are not romantically involved, we will write a formal apology. However if one of the former proves to be true, we will write about it.
Do we have a deal?

Yes. Here is all the proof you will need to prove we are not involved as you so eloquently put it. We have both agreed to a DNA test and if it proves positive there will be a press conference a month from now. If you receive an email about how this press conference will not take place, you will write that apology.
Do we have a deal?


I called Leah through FRIDAY asking her to come to the lab we're she's have to spit in a vile. I spat in mine quickly and put it in the analysis chamber before the door opened and Leah walked in.

Leah's POV
The second I entered the lab, Tony shoved  a test tube in my face and said simply, "If we take this DNA test and prove that we are not related, the papers will post a public apology. So you need to spit in this vial so FRIDAY can analyse it. If we do happen to be related, we'll have a press conference a month from now."
I nodded at Tony's ramble and began spitting in the tube before passing it to Stark who put  it in the analysis machine.
"Now we wait." He said. "So you wanna help me with a robot?"
Sounded like Tony. "Yeah sure. I don't have much to do anyway and Peters at school."

2 hours later
Tony's POV

We had been working on the robot and had added a pretty cool laser that could cut through most thin metals when FRIDAY spoke up.
"Sir, Ma'am, the DNA analysis has been completed. Would you like to hear the results?"
"Yes!" We both said at the same time.
"Tony and Leah. From what I found you have high amounts of similar DNA composition. I have concluded that Tony Stark is the father of Leah."
What! I couldn't be a father! And definitely not to a girl like Leah. She was too kind, to innocent. And I was me. Pepper had been away for the last month  and a bit and was coming home at the end of the week, she hadn't even seen the news.
I looked over at Leah. She didn't look like she was taking it well. She was shaking and tears had beaded up in her eyes. She was staring at me and then the next second she was running up the stairs to her bedroom.
This was all my fault.

Leah's POV

The news that Tony was my father scared me. It couldn't be true. It couldn't be! Mum said that my father was incapable of taking care of me. She said that he couldn't help in any way.
I ran from the lab, tears streaming down my face. Clint and Natasha saw and asked if I was okay, but I muttered a "I'm fine" and went to my room.
At this point a panic attack was imminent and I went to the bathroom. My body rocked back and forward and my breathing irregular. Sweat leaked out of every pore of my body and my heart was racing a hundred miles an hour. I threw up while tears flew from my eyes. I couldn't think. I couldn't breath. I just cried and shook until Natasha came into my room to see if I was alright.
She hugged me. Calmed me down. She made me brush my teeth and change into some pyjamas. She sat in my room with me until I'd calmed down and even then she didn't leave. She stayed and let me talk. She filled the silent space with chatter when I felt like I couldn't talk. She stayed until I fell asleep. The last thing I thought before I passed out was thank you Natasha.

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