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Leah's POV

I sat in the troop carrier surrounded by many hydra soldiers, myself being the only asset due to my special training and status as the kidnapped child. While the soldiers were all wearing. Bullet and stab proof armour and helmets with heavy guns and some even with riot shield I was wearing a catsuit and hadn't been given any weapons yet. I had somehow managed to keep up my facade of a ruthless killer so well that they still believed if they ever gave me a weapon I may kill everyone in the room without orders. I could tell as the closest soldiers to me felt uncomfortable.
I had decided that today was the day I ran. It would have to be perfectly timed, like as a building blew up or as no one was looking for me to run into the woods that surrounded the battle area. I was prepared. I stared straight forward as I always did, thinking about finally seeing Tony again. I didn't remember everything, just enough to know he cared. And I had to call Lilith again, apologise for being so late. I had to talk to them, even if I didn't remember everything, I don't think they'd expect me to either.
We arrived soon, and I got out first, along with my handler who passed me two hand guns, 4 knives and an AK47.
"убить только S.H.I.E.L.D. агенты. Все остальные являются союзниками." Kill only the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Everyone else is an ally.
"Да, мэм" Yes, ma'am.
I took the weapons in a robotic manner, pretending to be under the influence of their control. Internally I was smiling. I was going to kill as many Hydra agents as possible. They trained me well, too well. I marched to the side of my handler like I always did and waited for the soldiers to unload from the carrier. As soon as they were ordered to fight and the screams of 'hail Hydra' were heard I prepared myself for my orders to go.
"сражаться хорошо Asset L, hail hydra!" Fight well Asset L, hail Hydra.
"Да, мэм" I replied, in my usual robotic tone, even though excitement was bubbling up inside of me. The prospect of seeing Tony, the avengers, Lilith again excited me, but I had to remain in control or I would be wiped and I'd be back at square one again. I marched quickly behind the soldiers, those at the back squirming uncomfortably at my presence. Understandable, I had heard that all operatives of both S.H.E.I.L.D. and Hydra were taught that assets were unstable and could explode or hurt someone at any second, however Hydra thinks I'm their most successful asset to date, but I'm also defective, they're just too stupid and arrogant to see it.
We soon reach the target camp, a S.H.E.I.L.D. operations base in Oregon.  It was a great location to escape. Hydra may think I've been captured or killed and taken for experimentation, either way, it was very unlikely they would come for me as assets are ordered to kill themselves with a pill we have in our uniform in the event we are ever captured.
I marched forward and soon the group stopped moving and I did too. I was ordered to come to the front and took a quick peak upwards to see small drones flying, recording us as we stood in attack formation. These were not Hydra drones, they were stark drones. I helped make them. I gave a small practically unnoticeable smile before going stone cold again. I stood still, perfectly balanced like a robot and endured the speech. It was in English luckily so I didn't have an annoying little voice in my head translating the entire thing.
"Soldiers, this is Asset L, the only perfected asset to date. She is strong, fast, intelligent and obeys all orders given to her. She is the perfect soldier. She does not fear death, in fact she embraces it, creates it with no more than a flick of her wrist. We wish for you to know that she however is not a team player, and she will kill you if you get in her way of completing her mission. Asset L, would you like to inform your comrades what your missions are, in English please?" The officer said. He spoke with pride, so I followed his orders.
"My current missions are to 1) kill myself if I am ever captured, 2) kill all S.H.E.I.L.D. agents I can and 3) to inform my comrades what my current missions are, sir. The third mission has just been completed, would you like to add another mission onto my list sir?"
"No Asset L, thank you. See soldiers, this human being is a perfect weapon. She can do anything you tell her to do. However she is trained to only respond to people who give her orders with a 3 striped badge, so don't think you can be giving her orders. Now we are about to attack this base. One person here has their special orders with their team,
Asset L is here to kill agents, nothing more nothing less. She is also here for extraction purposes and to kill any traitors. Hail Hydra."
"Hail Hydra." The soldiers repeated, while I stood in-front of them emotionless. I truly didn't understand why anyone would join these despicable people in the first place. But then again they had the option and weren't (probably) torn from their families.
We marched towards our battle field and broke down the chain link fence that separated us from them. Suddenly everyone started running and so I did too, guns blazing at the S.H.E.I.L.D. agents that surrounded the place. I always missed however, hitting either the soldiers and missing major organs entirely, of course I killed some or it would look suspicious to my seniors.
Then suddenly a man in a Hydra uniform, three striped grabs a hold of my arm. I instantly recognise him as Clint.
"Asset L, listen carefully, go into building 3 and go into the basement. Drop your weapons and remove your tracker there. Take two lefts a right and another left and you will reach a door. The code is 317209, go through the door and run like hell. The second that door opens a bomb will go off 5 minuets after and the world will think that Asset L is dead, got it?"
"Thanks Clint, tell dad I said hi and I'll be home soon. Imma hitchhike back to New York so wait for me at the tower." I smiled, running toward building 3.
He smiled back.
I ran quickly into building three, shooting at anyone who shot at me, including the Hydra agents. I didn't care at this point, the avengers had planned a far more effective escape plan for me than I ever could have. And I would be going home.
After I had found my way to the stairs, I marched down slowly, making sure if I was to bump into any Hydra teams it didn't seem suspicious. As I marched in the directions Clint had given me I made contact with with one of my senior members, one that could give me orders. I had no weapons on me, god I probably look really suspicious.
"Asset L, what are you doing down here?" He said in his strong American accent.
"I have been told to inform any teams in these tunnels that a bomb had been located nearby and you are to evacuate immediately." I said robotically.
"Of course you have. Where are your weapons?"
"I have ran out of ammunition as other soldiers required it more than I did. My hand to hand combat should be more than effective to dispose of the enemy." I replied quickly.
"Sure... well soldiers, do as Asset L said and evacuate. And asset, I want you out of these tunnels in 5 minuets, got it?"
"Yes Sir." I said without hesitation.
"Good." He announced, before walking off. I quickly rounded the next corner and let out a sigh of relief that I had somehow gotten away with that.
I saw the door and entered the code that Clint had told me and soon was sprinting down the long winding corridor to freedom. I heard the muffled explosion and smiled to myself, I was finally free.

Time Skip presented by none other than Capsicle himself!

It had been an hour and I had finally emerged from the tunnel. It went on forever and I ended up in a high tech cabin that my father clearly made. However no phone or internet existed in this Cabin, just a bed and a note telling me to only stay one night before finding my main to the main road and hitchhiking to the nearest town which was a 50 minuet drive from the cabin. I was honestly surprised that Tony had managed to find somewhere so remote to build the place. I boiled the kettle and made myself a tea, to relax and made myself a bath. I hadn't had a bath in so long. It was always a cold shower.
Slowly I finished my tea and had my bath and went to my bedroom. I sat on the soft luxurious bed that felt so soft and incredibly warm compared to the beds that I had slept on in Hydra. I saw a small note on the bedside table, which I opened to see what I assumed was Tony's handwriting.

Hey Leah,
I know your probably confused as hell and are wondering all kinds of things like why we helped you or whatever, after all it's only been two weeks since you probably started remembering everything. I just wanted to tell you that none of us are mad at you for what happened, it wasn't your fault and we miss you loads.
I also wanna apologise to you cause I looked at your phone after you told me about your date. Lilith seems super nice even if she works for a newspaper. I actually talked to her recently about you coming back and she seems really excited about it. I might even get her an internship at the tower in the media department, meaning she could get full ride to anywhere she wants.
I really have missed you this last year and I can't wait to have you back and safe. Honestly when you get back I'm giving up the booze and am going to be more responsible.
Anyway, only get in trucks, I've found the people who drive them to be very trustworthy, or families with multiple children including teenagers, you can't fake that kind of stuff.
I love you so much kiddo, Tony AKA Dad!

I smiled at the message, as far as the memories showed me so far, he''d never ever said he loved me, it was happy. I rummaged through the draws and found some PJ's I changed into before crawling into the warm bed.
For the first time in a long time, I felt safe.

Wassup my dudes and dudettes?! I'm back at school now and kinda hate the entire principle of it, but hey I have no option but to go! Anyway, how have we got 600 reads?! Like is that even possible? Why would anyone wanna read my trash? I would like to thank y'all so much for reading my book anyway. It makes me so happy that you guys actually enjoy the book.
If you guys want, you could give me some feedback on what you wanna see? I do have an idea for her birthday and of course Halloween and Christmas specials. I may put in a Thanksgiving episode because I know it's such a big thing in the US, but in the UK we don't have it so it might not happen. Anyway, I'm still figuring out the update schedule so be prepared for more than one update a week!
Once again thanks for reading and enjoy your day!

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