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Leah's POV

It hadn't even been a day since the interview when Dad and the other Avengers suggested we went on a vacation. It was clearly a guise to keep me out of the public eye for a while, while letting me hang out with the Avengers. Unfortunately for me, the conversation had to be awkward and pose a few problems with the entire 'going abroad' thing.
"What do you mean you don't have a passport?!" Scott and Sam practically screamed, while dad and some of the others just looked shocked. Bruce and Bucky on the other hand didn't look surprised at all however.
"I mean, when mum stopped working and had me, there was never really any money, so she never saw the point in me getting one. And after she got with him, he wouldn't let us do anything he didn't like so when I ran away, I didn't have a passport or much to take with me, so I just never really left the country." I explained.
"I mean, you must of like done it illegally, right? Like crosses into Canada or Mexico?" Scott, or ant man, asked.
"So death via boarder guards rifle or drowning? Not for me thanks Scott." I replied as though it was completely obvious, which it was.
Dad suddenly clapped his hands together, drawing the attention to himself. "Well then, we are getting you a passport as soon as possible and taking you to wherever the hell you want. But for now, Malibu seems good."

The next thing I knew, we were all getting on dads private plane on the way to Malibu. I was shaking as I sat down in the seat closest to a window. Dad sat next to me.
"It's not that bad, the worst thing is going up, but other than that, it's fine." He said tapping the top of my hand.
"Says the guy who could have been born on a plane if his parents wanted it." I heard Scott mutter, making me giggle and then cough to mask it.
I pulled out my phone and shot Peter a quick text, telling him we wouldn't be in town for a bit, and so therefore he should enjoy his time of peace and quite.

Hey Pete, me, dad and the Avengers are going out of town for a week

Enjoy your week of peace.

Haha, you've got babysitting duties now!

But seriously, enjoy your vacation.

If Scott gets in a mood, throw him in any body of water and tell him there's sharks. Dudes terrified of them lol.

Thanks for telling me that, Scott's gonna be scared shitless considering we're actually going to a place that has sharks.

Anyway, see u when we get back!

Yeah see u!

Slowly but surely, everyone sat down in a seat. In the two seats in front of me and dad were Bucky and Steve.
Nat and Clint sat next to each other being annoyed by Scott, while Bruce, Sam and Wanda sat with each other, though in relative silence. It was nice. What I assumed a normal family vacation would be like. Well, as normal as it could get when your 'family' was a bunch of superheroes and the 'Dad' was a billionaire with, what I could only describe as, a god complex.

Tony's POV.

The look on Leah's face as we took off was priceless. It was a mixture of anxiety, being tense and trying not to throw up. I had to hold in a snicker. However, when we were up in the air, her face was filled with wonder. It was like seeing a small child in a candy store.
"Dad! Look! We're above the clouds!" She told me, a broad smile across her face. It made me smile.
"Yeah, it flies because of the laws of aerodynamics. The pressure in here is even, which makes it effectively a vacuum and the air that goes around it keeps it in the air. It's pretty cool."
"I know, it's just, it's so cool. It's like, I'm finally going somewhere, but not like the way I have before. Like I'm finally someone, not just some random kid that people flicked their pocket change at, you know."
"You were never just some kid. You were always a special person."

Time skip!

Natasha's POV

When we landed, we all got out of the plane and grabbed our luggage. The drive from the cars was long and by the time we had arrived to the villa that Tony had somehow managed to rent in the short amount of time, we were exhausted.
In the end, half of us including Leah had collapsed on the couches in the living room. None of us could be bothered to cook, so Bruce ordered us pizza. We turned on the TV's and chose a film. I think we ended up watching some old 80's film that To y insisted on watching, Flash Grodon or something like that. It was a terrible film and the teams snarky commentary was hilarious. Slowly but surely everyone fell asleep on the sofas, including myself. It was a fun night.

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