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Trigger Warning - Verbal and Physical Abuse.

Tony's POV
Several days had passed since the report and me and Leah finding out that we were actually related. However with no response from me, theories were popping up all over the internet and major news networks were talking about it. When Leah first heard these, she freaked out and ran to her room. I asked her if she wanted to talk about it, but she said she just wanted to be alone.
But today, Pepper was coming back and I had to figure out what the hell to say to her. There was no doubt in my mind that she had seen all the news reports on me and Leah and she was 10000% going to question me on it the second she walked through the door.
I sat in the living room, reading a book when Leah walked out of her.
"Oh great, your finally awake!" I partially yelled, making her jump slightly.
"Yeah, what's up Tony?" She spoke softly.
"The sky. So you wanna go out today? Like to the park or something? I don't really want to be stuck in the apartment all day cause when Pepper gets here, she will be grilling the both of us."
"Er, yeah, sure." She said uneasily. "Can we get breakfast while we're out too?"
"Sure thing kiddo!" I said bouncing up with false happiness. In fact, I was really nervous about telling Pepper that Leah was actually my daughter that I hadn't known existed until 4 days ago.
We both put on some trainers on and walked into the elevator to the garage.
"Why are we going to the garage?"
"Because, it's easier to get food in a car and to avoid people that we don't wanna see, like the paparazzi who want to ruin everything for everyone. So pick a car."
"Okay." She says. She walks over to one of my personal favourites, my red Audi R8. "This one!" She says, pointing at the car.
"Okay!" I reply, pulling the keys of the hook and jumping in the car. Leah jumps in beside me and soon we're off into New York City.

Leah's POV

Tony drove fast. Not like normal 5 miles per hour over the speed limit kind of fast but the at least 20 miles per hour over the speed limit. It was terrifying and exciting at the same time. Tony was blasting AC/DC from the radio and was talking to me about where we were going to eat. Eventually we set in a small diner that Tony knew did great pancakes and the owners knew Tony well, so they wouldn't call the paparazzi to interrupt the meal.
We arrived quickly and Tony parked in front of the diner. We both hopped out of the car and I was slightly dizzy from moving so fast. Tony laughed at this and I swatted his arm playfully.
As we walked in, a bell rang softly and the sound of conversation was calm. The place had a homey feel and you could smell and hear the food cooking. The fragrance of food filled with love wafted through the air and the lady working at the counter smiled a warm smile as we walked in. Tony guided me to a booth in the corner and we both grabbed a menu.
"So," Tony said, stretching out the 'o'. "How do feel about meeting Pepper today?"
"Alright, I guess." I muttered. Honestly I was terrified after hearing multiple people in the tower saying they found her intimidating.
"Don't worry about her. She's only intimidating because she has to be. I'm more likely to get a lecture from her for being irresponsible and not knowing about you rather than her shouting at you." Tony laughed.
We both ordered pancakes and he flirted with the waitress a bit, who was in awe of the 'great Tony Stark'. I couldn't blame him though. The waitress was very pretty.
Once we got our food, we ate quickly and payed. Tony kept flirting with the waitress during the entire ordeal and I was just embarrassed about the entire thing. We soon jumped back into the red Audi and drove back to the tower. We both went to the lab, where Tony worked on upgrading one of his suits and I worked on a circuit I needed to make a new computer that would be able to compute larger data input quicker.
"Shit" I whispered, getting a small electric shock. Tony instantly looked over at me, and I gave him a small smile.
"What happened?" He asked, generally seeming concerned.
"Oh nothing, just shocked myself. Not that big of a deal." I smiled.
"Let me see what your working on then!" He asked, bouncing over.
"It's a computer, it should process at 40 petaflops, which is 40 quadrillion calculations per second, but I can't get it to 35!"
"But that already makes it the worlds fastest computer! And what are you even using to process that? I never see you carrying around a supercomputer."
"My laptop."
"My l.."
"No I heard what you said, just, what? That's impossible! You'd need to compress the processing equipment of supercomputers and some more into there. That's smaller than Jarvis and carries more data! Just, what?!" Tony yelled, confused. It made me laugh.
"It really wasn't that difficult. Honestly, if the developers of super computers cut out a significant amount of the wiring and removed useless parts from the processing equipment and reduced the size, you can get more processing power in smaller spaces. Bad thing is that it overheats way quick, which is why I'm remodelling the thing. I need to get a lot more fans in this thing for it to even begin to function for over 4 hours." I could hear my frustration leaking from my voice.
"Still impressive. You wanna take a break and help me with the suit?"
Then, just as I was about to answer, FRIDAY spoke. "Sir, Pepper Potts has arrived in the tower and is asking to see you immediately. I would recommend going as soon as possible, she seems very annoyed or absolutely fuming, best get it over with as soon as possible."
"Got it FRIDAY. Come on Leah, you can't be left alone in here so your coming with me to see Pepper!" He said, grabbing my wrist. I flinched slightly, but Tony didn't notice and I knew he wouldn't hurt me. But something in me hated it. I pulled my wrist from Tony's excited grasp, causing him to look back. He realised quickly what he'd done.
"I'm... I'm sorry Leah. I didn't realise."
"It's okay Tony, really, you were excited and forgot. Can we just go and meet Pepper please and forget this even happened."
"Y-yeah, sure." He said uneasily.
Tony's excitement disapaited quickly after I pulled away. I felt guilty because of it. We walked to the elevator and Tony hit the button to the floor Peppers office was on. It was silent on the elevator, and the awkward tension was thick in the air, just when Tony and I had found out that he was my biological Father.
"Tony. I'm s-"
"Don't apologise. It was my fault. I wasn't thinking about how grabbing you would make you feel. Especially as all the shit you've been through. That's what dads are supposed to do. We're supposed to think, not be complete idiots. God I never thought I'd call myself, a man with an IQ of 206, an idiot. Shit kid, I think you've done the impossible; you've made Tony Stark call himself an idiot." He joked, but it wasn't really a joke. It was more of an attempt, a poor one may I add, to lighten the mood. I gave a weak laugh, more so from pity than anything else. We resumed in silence until we reached Peppers office.
"Wait out here." Tony said, pointing at one of the chairs outside of the office. I felt a sense of dread from sitting outside of Peppers office

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