Chapter 28--Other Half

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As they got back to the cave Tweek was talking about a few different ways that he could help making his wings flutter. Craig just smiled at the other as he held his hand tightly in his own. His eyes slowly looked towards the wings as he watched them flutter and glimmer in the light. He reached out not able to stop himself being so mesmerized by the way that they looked. His fingers gently brushed over one them as Tweek stopped his talking. Tweek drew in a sharp breath that turned into something that sounded like a shaky moan.

The blonde cupped his hands over his mouth as his face turned a bright shade of red. He jerked his head slightly towards Craig, who as well, looked rather red in the face as well. "What in the name of the Old Ones did I just walk into?" came a voice as they both turned fast seeing a rather confused male with black hair that had some red running through it. His odd reddish eyes watched the two of them close. He flipped his bangs out of his face as he rose an eyebrow slowly watching the two in front of him.

Tweek blushed even more as he looked down at the ground as Craig looked away rubbing the back of his head a little. The young male pulled up the sleeves of his tattered button up black shirt as he rubbed at the dark marks around his wrists. "Whatever...get a room next time. No one wishes to see something like that in the open," he groaned some flipping his hair out of his face again before he took off from them with his hands in the pocket of his jeans. "W-we....we uh...should find Alister," Tweek finally managed to say as he kept his eyes on the ground.

"Yeah..." Craig said as he reached out taking Tweek's hand as he made his way into the cave. A few of the pack members stopped talking to them, some asking if everything was alright while others were happy to see Tweek doing better. Craig asked a few of them if they had seen the Omega and most not knowing where he was. He asked a few others then got the answer he was looking for. He told Kenny he and Tweek would be back as Kenny gave him a nod cuddling back into Butters who was sitting in his lap.

As the two began their walk Tweek finally spoke up keeping his wings closed on his back. "May I ask who the boy with the odd hair was?" Tweek asked as Craig looked over at him. "That would be Pete," Craig answered with a small shrug, "Like Alister he is only half wolf...he recently moved back out to the cave a few months ago. It would seem that he got involved in a rather odd group in town. They were called...goth?"

"I think I may know who you are talking about," Tweek said as he looked up thinking slightly, "They were a group of kids that smoked a lot and just kinda kept to themselves. I joined them a few times for coffee but this is the first time I had seen him..." Craig shrugged slightly not really having an answer for him at that moment.

They arrived at the small lake that was out from the cave as Tweek pulled back from Craig remembering the place. He bit at his lip worried now not really wanting to be back there so soon. Craig held his hand tightly to reassure him that it was alright as he turned his head a little looking over seeing Alister sitting near the waters edge. "Alister," Craig called out softly causing the redhead to jump fast to his feet then bowed low. "A-alpha! I-I am sorry I w-wasn't at the c-"

"I am not upset about that..." Craig said quickly to try and calm the nerves of the boy in front of him, "We came looking for you because it would seem that Tweek doesn't know how to make his wings go back." Alister stood for a moment looking a little confused then nodded fast as he walked over to them slowly. "Oh...yes! I am sorry about that sir..." Alister said fast as he walked over to Tweek now seeing the wings unfold from his back. "All you need to do is relax slowly and as before take the small cold energy and push it away a little..." he told him.

Tweek nodded a little as he drew in a long deep breath as he felt the energy slowly leave him. He let himself relax more as he felt the wings pull back into his shoulders and he felt a little heavier on his feet as he stumbled some opening his eyes. He blinked slowly as he looked around as he smiled in relief half expecting his sight to go with the wings. Tweek turned smiling at Craig then went to thank Alister who was walking away rather quickly. He frowned some then heard feet coming closer. Craig turned quickly meeting with the boy Pete he had seen earlier. "Guess I was wrong again...excuse me," Pete said as he stepped back into the treeline then shifted into his reddish black wolf form then took off in a run. "I think we found who he saved..." Craig said simply as he turned looking at Tweek.

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