Chapter 45-- New Home

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After redressing and calming Tweek back down from the run in with Clyde and Token, Craig walked out of the room holding Tweek's hand. Token turned his head enough to see the two coming into the room as he let out a long deep breath. "Are the dresser and bed ready to be moved or do they still need pulled apart?" he asked not able to look at the two.

"I don't want to touch the bed after that...cant they just move it themselves?" Clyde asked with a grossed out tone making Token smack him upside the head. The brunette boy jolted some as he turned his head slightly as he gave a pained looked. "Tooooooookeeeeeeeeen" he whined softly making the darker skinned male roll his eyes with a long sight. Craig found himself giving a small laugh as Tweek covered his bright red face with his hands. "We will move the bed ourselves once the others get here. For now we can drag the desk you two built in there so Tweek can have his work space," Craig suggested as he moved towards the other two.

Token and Clyde nodded as they went over grabbing the dark red/brown desk as they started to move it. A small howl echoed through the open windows of the cabin as Tweek took this chance to hurry over to the door. He threw it open as if trying to run from what just happened as he rushed off the porch towards the group of people. "H=hey guys! D-do you need a hand?" he asked as he messed with his fingers.

"I think we got it but if you could lead the way and give us a little tour while doing so cutie then we are good," Kenny said with a small wink making Butters give a soft giggle and Tweek to roll his eyes. He gave a small wave as he lead the way into the cabin pointing out a few of the places for the group. He went down the hallway past the office with the others in. The hallway opened up into a large area that was big enough for everyone to relax in. "Then off to either side there are several rooms. T-there are about 15 in total but they are just for sleeping like what was asked. It is big enough for beds if anyone wants them if not then plenty of room for y-your fur beds," he said as the small group looked around. They all thanks Tweek as they hurried off to pick rooms out from the ones with the doors opened. " and Butters have a special room," he said.

Kenny blinked pulling Butters along as he walked over slowly peaking into the room. It was slightly larger then normal and had a door inside of it. Tweek walked over as he opened the door to reveal a smaller room with a door that lead back out into the large gathering room. "T-that way Karen has her own room and you two can have your private time if you are w-wanting. A-all the walls are sound proof so no one c-can hear each other un-unless the doors are open and they WANT people to know," he said with a small laugh rubbing the back of his head nervously.

Butters walked around the room some as he sat the bag that he was carrying down as he smile. Kenny walked both of the rooms as he started to make sure everything was to his liking. After a short moment a smile went over his face as he hugged Tweek tightly. "Thank you so much and I know that when Karen gets back from seeing our parents she will love the fact she has her own room," he told the other.

"It's not much I know but at least it's something," Tweek said again after hugging back then hugging Butters when he came over. Craig slowly appeared in the doorway as he looked over the others. "Glad to see the room is to your liking. Now if you excuse me I am taking my mate back," he said grabbing Tweek's hand leading him away. Craig walked back into the main part of the house watching as Token shifted a few things around so that the kitchen was bigger. "This is perfect..." Craig said looking over to Tweek.

"I know it's not much but I w-wanted everyone safe..." Tweek said looking away a little.

"This is more then enough to keep us safe so you don't need to worry about anything"

"I worry about you.."

"I guess you are allowed to worry about ONE thing," Craig teased a little as he smiled at Tweek. He leaned over giving the other a soft kiss on the lips. Tweek kissed back as he heard another howl allowing him to pull back. He turned towards the window seeing Stan giving another howl followed by a wave to them. "Let's get the others settled then we can get your office set up and you can show me how to work the TV again for a movie," Craig said as Tweek nodded some before the two headed out to help Stan and the last of the group with what they needed.

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