Chapter 29--A Harsh Reality

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Alister got back to the cave as he looked around some as he panted a little shutting his eyes for a moment to try and catch his breath. When he opened his blue eyes he came face to face with reddish eyes. "Why are you avoiding me..." Pete said as Alister looked down slightly, "You have been avoiding me like I have some sort of virus since I got back..." A low growl passed through Pete's lips as he narrowed is eyes more at the taller male in front of him. Alister went to say something but someone calling to the two made Pete turn his head. He then quickly looked back seeing Alister gone making Pete growl punching the cave. "I almost had him!" he screamed out turning fast to come face to face with Kenny.

"Almost had him? You have been hunting him like he is a deer," Kenny said looking at the boy in front of him.

"I have my reasons...and the main one right now is wandering why the hell he has been avoiding me for the past 4 months!"

"You mean no one told you..." Kenny asked raising an eyebrow.

"Told me what?!"

"What happened 2 years ago...three days before you left for the human's town to live your life," Craig's voice echoed out slightly. Pete and Kenny turned seeing Craig and Tweek walk through the tree line. Kenny looked from Pete to Craig who simply nodded knowing it was time. "Alright...I need to know first...what do you remember about that night?" Kenny asked watching the two colored hair.

"What I remember? I was searching for few different stones so that I could figure out what to make into a necklace. I lost my footing and fell into the water....I felt something wrap around my wrists," Pete said as he pulled the sleeves up showing what looked to be burn marks, "I couldn't breath or move and I couldn't really think. I felt like I was there for a long time then the next thing I remember I am laying in my room and I hurt all chest hurt more then anything. Like something was ripped out of me...but I didn't know what. I also heard something tell me that I should leave so...I decided to go and stay with my folks."

Kenny nodded slowly as he let out a long deep breath as he walked over slowly. He held up the boy's wrists to look at them again then looked towards Pete. "These are the chains that dragged you down into the waters. Lejion saw something in you that she wanted to keep," Kenny began as he let go of the boy's wrists, "Well...someone went after you. They dove freely into the water to bring you back but you know that she always makes people pay a price before she is allowed to leave. When I fell as a child...I gave up the curse that i had for as long as I could remember. Tweek gave up his sight. Alister gave up not only his stone...but the chance to"

Tweek felt his heart break listening to what Kenny had just told him. He turned his head seeing Alister looking out from around a tree then vanish again. The blonde moved back from Craig as he slowly made his way over to the Omega as Kenny began to speak again. "Lejion wanted you and Alister wanted to have you safe. He could feel in his heart that you were it...but he gave that up so that you could live...He brought you back to the cave drying you off and changed your clothes. He watched over you feeling his heart break with each passing minute and the other stones he had found for you crumbled in his hands. He chose to be alone. To let you go...and you left..." Kenny finished.

Pete leaned back against the wall as he started to try and take in everything that was going on. He drew in a long deep breath as he ran his fingers through his hair to move it from his face. He opened his mouth to try and speak but nothing seemed to come out as he started to become angry now. "That's why he is avoiding me? He doesn't want to be around me be-"

"Because being close to you hurts me so much and it makes my heart just break each time..." came Alister's voice as he walked over some standing behind Tweek who was holding his arm from running off. "I am sorry Pete..."

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