Chapter 32--Bites

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"Woah woah waoh! Hold you are telling me that when you drink coffee you get all jittery and weird but if you don't have it for a day or two you aren't jittery at all? Then what is the point of drinking it?" Craig asked as he looked back at Tweek moving a branch for him to walk around. "Mostly to keep me awake," Tweek laughed a little.

"Are there not better things to do that? I mean...when I meditate I feel like I slept a lot.."

"It's something I always have drank and it is hard to stop. Although I don't drink what my parents make anymore. Have to make my own.."

"Is it because your parents made it a special way when you were younger?"

"...Yeah...let's just go with that," Tweek laughed some as he rubbed the back of his head a little. He wasn't really sure how he could tell the other what his parents really put into the coffee. He smiled over as he looked slightly as the cabin slowly came into view as he let out a long deep breath. "Here we are," he said with a small laugh as he walked over towards the door. He patted himself down realizing that he didn't have his keys on him. I guess I left them at the cave... he thought then he looked around. He shifted back some as he looked over the door then ran his hand over the top of the door frame. He grabbed the key up there as he unlocked the door then placed it back. "Come on in," he said as he stepped in.

Craig followed him into the house as he watched the blonde turn on the lights. The raven haired boy didn't get a real chance to look around the cabin as he let his eyes travel around slowly. He had to admit that humans lived rather well and wandered if there was a way that he could make something for the pack. His eyes then went over as he watched Tweek moving around in the small kitchen/dining room area. He watched the blonde bend over to grab something as he felt himself lick at his lips slightly. He slowly moved over towards him as he found his hand reaching out gripping at the others hips lightly.

Tweek squeaked slightly as he turned fast pressing himself up against the counter. "C-craig?" he asked in a small stammer as his face started to turn red. Craig moved close as his hands moved back to rest onto Tweek's hips as he let his forehead press against the others. "Forgive me my moon flower...I can't seem to control my...hunger right now," he whispered as he tilted his head a little then pressed his lips to Tweek's. Tweek felt his face burn feeling rough lips pressed against his own as his emerald eyes slowly started to flutter shut. He moved his hands up wrapping them around Craig's neck as he pressed more into the kiss.

Their lips slowly started to move together as the kiss became a little rougher and a little more demanding. Craig squeezed Tweek's hips slightly as he pressed his body more against his. Tweek let out a small noise as his mouth opened a little causing for Craig's tongue to snake it's way in. Tweek felt like he was melting the moment their tongues met and began their dance. Tweek was the first to pull away after a moment as he panted for air. Craig took this chance as he started to kiss and nip roughly at the others neck getting little noises with each little bite.

"T-tweek...can I mark you better...p-please..." Craig asked as his hot breath tickled at the boy's collar bone making Tweek shutter. He opened his mouth to try and find words but nothing came out. He slowly nodded as he tilted his head back a little so that Craig could get to his neck better. The raven haired boy smirked as he kissed around the collar bone then shoulder before he found the sweet spot that made Tweek let out a light moan. He licked and kissed at the spot before he bit down rather hard onto the spot. Tweek let out a rather loud squeak that soon turned into a small moan. He felt his whole body shaking at that moment before he felt Craig's teeth slowly pull back from him. He looked down panting slightly as he felt his body jerk slightly when he felt a tongue over the wound. "Mine.." he then whispered, "Now you..."

Tweek felt his body shaking like he was on an extreme caffeine high as he looked towards Craig nodding a little. He shifted himself as he nosed under Craig's chin for a moment before he started to kiss and bite softly at the skin to try and find the perfect spot like the other did. It took him a little longer then Craig to find it, but in the nap of the neck was where Craig made the most noise. "W-what if I c-cant break the skin..." he stammered out shaking hard.

Craig thought for a moment as he flexed his hands letting his claws come out as he dug into the small chunk of skin that the other had found. "Now you...please...." he begged some as his face turn red from having let the begging roll of his lips. Tweek smirked some at the fact the other was begging him to bit. He gave him a quick peck on the lips before he moved slowly back down. He kissed at the now rather tender spot before he slowly sank his teeth into the skin roughly. Craig felt his whole body jolt as he clung to Tweek tightly. The two felt something click in the both of them as Tweek pulled back from the bit as he nuzzled into the others neck.

Tweek looked up a little as he smiled at Craig feeling everything slowly starting to calm down around the two of them. "D-did I do alright?" he asked as he looked into the others dark blue eyes. Craig let out a long shaky breath as he reached up touching at the mark on his neck then nodded. "You did mate.." he whispered then kissed his forehead, "Now I can call you moon flower, my treasure. I don't ever plan on letting you go again."

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