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It was 6 am when my alarm went off. Today was Monday. Survey says that Monday is the hatest day but to me it is a relief. No one wants to work on weekends right? But for me, I've to do all my house chores because we don't have a maid. My aunt, Mary, thinks that I have to pay my rent for living in this house by doing all house chores, like from cleaning to cooking. As soon I became 18 she also ordered me to find a job to satisfy my needs other than food and a shelter to stay. You might be thinking why I didn't moved out of this House?

Believe it or not, I tried. I asked and I begged but my aunt never allowed. "I don't want the society to think me as a evil witch of an aunt who kicked out her orphan niece. You might not have a status in this society, but I do have one. So just find yourself a good job and remove the thoughts of moving out" she angrily yelled at me when I begged her. After that day, I never asked rather I found myself a job in a bakery shop. I was never a rebellious girl which results in my absolute submission.
After my morning routine I came to kitchen for preparing breakfast. I made waffles for all. As I was setting the juice and the plate, my cousin -Jenna and my aunt entered the dinning hall. I served our plates and was eating in silence when Jenna starts her talking about some college stuff. Then aunt starts telling Jenna about her kitty party while I was eating silently. After they were over they got up and went without a thank you or good morning. I don't mind because this was day to day routine. My aunt never abused me physically so I never minded about her acknowledgment.
After cleaning the kitchen and dishes, I went to my room and changed for my college. I changed into a black and white striped shirt, with black jeans and white sneakers. I tied my hair into a messy bun and adjust my black rimmed glasses back to my eyes. I picked my bag and went to the bus stop. I went to school by bus because I don't have a car. Jenna have one but with the amount she hates me, I don't think she'll ever let me sit in her car.

When I get to college, I made a bee kine to my locker. I wasn't really watching much because I bump into something or someone hard. I looked up to see Ethan grinning down at me.
"Hey babygirl!! I missed you so much." He said while hugging the life out of me. "But you saw her on-" my other best friend Brianna or Anna was cut off by the Bell ringing.
"Damn this fucking classes. I hate this classes. Goddd help me" she whined like a child. "Oh stop whining. Let's go to the class" I said while tugging her with me, "bye Ethan, let's meet at canteen". Ethan went to his class while me and Anna went to ours.

"So anything interesting happened?" She asked. "Nope. And u know nothing interesting happen in my life" I said playfully. But she didn't even smiled, rather she was worried. "Don't say like that, May. I don't know but I'm having a feeling that something big is gonna happen" she said worriedly. I smiled and said, "don't worry Anna. Everything's gonna be fine". Then suddenly class door burst open and our teacher came in.

After our classes we went to canteen. We were just talking about stuffs when I saw Jenna was sitting on the lap of Jason, the college badboy. He is so good looking that every girl has feeling about him. I won't lie but I too kinda like him. No one knows about my secret liking, not even Anna and Ethan.
I don't know why but I felt like Jenna was smirking at me when suddenly she kissed Jason passionately. I averted my eyes.

After our classes, I was walking besides Ethan to parking lot when he said, "Hey babygirl! Let me drop you to your job".
"Aww Ethan. You are so sweet. I love you", I said while side hugging him. He chuckled, "love you too babe" and kissed my head.
Anyone watching this might think that we are a couple but we are not and can never be. Because Ethan is gay and he is in a happy relationship with a bartender named Mark. No one except me and Anna knows about Ethan being gay which results into girls proposing him day to day. With his goo looks and amazing behavior, he can easily make girls fall for him.

I was laughing because Ethan was kissing and teasing me when suddenly I felt someone's burning gaze on us. I turned to see who was it and I saw Jason glaring at us from his car. I was so confused. If looks cou-
"Yeah right, share your love among yourself" I was cut off of my thoughts when Anna huffed loudly. We laughed and talked for sometime. After few minutes Anna went to her home while I get into Ethan's car. From the car I checked again to see if Jason was gone or not but I was welcomed by same glare of his. I avert my eyes and looked ahead of me. Suddenly I remembered Anna's warning - " I don't know but I'm having a feeling that something big is gonna happen".
I just hope everything will be alright.

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