Chapter 2

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8th August, 2018

"You sure mate you have energy still left in you for another round?" Shumail asked as he put his hands on his knees, panting.

"Talk about yourself. I can still win another round." Zaid spoke from where he was sprawled on the floor, his breaths coming out in short pants too.

Zaid and Shumail were at their regular boxing practise. They had been practicing boxing for general fitness and as a sport from quite a long.

Now after a couple rounds both their energy was drained and they didn't had capacity to play anymore but neither of them wanted to accept defeat.

"Well you might but for now I would like to let you take a break. Let's head back." Shumail spoke as he opened the strap of his glove with his teeth, removing it and opened the strap of the other glove with his now glove free hand.

"Why? Are you afraid?" Zaid questioned wiggling his eyebrows.

"I ain't the one sprawled on the floor." Shumail smiled sarcastically. He forwarded his hand for Zaid to hold and helped him up as Zaid removed his boxing gloves as well. They both got out of the ring and headed to their bags to change.

"Have to get to work early today. Few things need my attention. I'll head back." Shumail spoke as he zipped his duffel bag close.

"Not gonna wait for the two?" Zaid questioned, his brows knitted together.

"Naah. Have to reach office early today. Will meet them later."

"Cool. Gonna join us at the gym?" Zaid asked.

"Not sure but will try. Ohk hasta la vista." Shumail spoke as he hung his bag on his shoulder and putting his right hand at his left temple he gave a mock salute and with that he was out of the doors, jogging to where his car was parked.

Whistling to himself he unlocked his car with his keys and got in. Driving out of the parking lot, he was soon driving on the highways as headed to his house.

"Morning Robin." He greeted his servant as he entered his house.

"Good morning Sir. Breakfast is ready. Should I set the table?"

"Uh yeah but make it fast. I'm in quite a hurry." As his servant gave a nod, Shumail headed to his room to freshen up and get ready for work. After he had showered he dressed himself in his tux and did his collar. Brushing his hairs and wearing his watch and cufflinks he walked to his study to get all the important files from his cabinet and hurried to the kitchen to have his breakfast.

As he sat on the dining table, his cellphone buzzed. It was from his secretary.

"Good morning Sir. I just wanted to remind you that you have a meeting scheduled with The Monteneigro's in 5 minutes. I have already maiĺed you the details. I hope the meeting goes well."

"Ah I almost forgot. Thank you so much." He cut the call and quickly opened his Mac book, connecting the vedio conference with the delegates.

"Good morning Mr. Monteneigro." He greeted as he got his iPad and opened his secretary's mail for the details required for the meeting.

"Good morning Mr. Ibrahim. It's a pleasure to have this business conference with you."

"Oh believe me Mr. Monteneigro the pleasure is all mine. Anyways if we are ready then shall we get this meeting started?"

"Sure thing. So our company has a few plans made about this deal and we will like to get to know your plans for it as well. I suggest we have a face to face meeting regarding this deal and work on the plans together."

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