Chapter 17

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27th June, 2019

"Ma'am, what should I make for lunch?"

No answer.

"Ma'am, what would you like for lunch?" The maid asked again but still there was no answer to her question. Eram stood stirring a spoon in her coffee which had now turned cold already, lost in her own thoughts. Eram's mind was revolving around Shumail and she thought back to everything he had done for her. Her mind was in a argument with herself and she wasn't able to decide what she should actually do. One one hand there was Shumail and on the other, there was the thing which she must do, even if it meant betraying him.

"Ma'am?" The maid walked to her and lightly shook her shoulder bringing her back to reality, startling her.

"Yeah?" Eram asked looking around trying to take note of what was happening, when she realised that she had zoned out. Her shoulders slumped in defeat and she let out a sigh, before she took hold of the coffee mug and walked to stove to reheat it.

"What should I make for lunch?" The maid asked again and Eram turned her head to look at her.

"Don't make lunch. Shumail will be eating with his friends in office and I will be going out to meet a friend." She said, pouring back the hot coffee in the mug and took hold of it. She remembered that she had to deliver the papers to the person and she had to meet her in the afternoon. Eram was actually tensed about meeting the person and she was fearing about what would be the outcome of the meeting. As per the demand from that person, she had to get the papers signed from Shumail and the papers weren't something that she could casually ask Shumail to sign them. Even though Eram had placed the papers among the ones his secretary delivered the previous evening to get them signed but Eram's heart just wouldn't agree.

Giving the money to that person, which Shumail gave to her for her use, was something different. Whenever and how much ever she was asked for, she gave, but now getting the property paers signed from him, without his notice, she couldn't do that.

How much ever, she tried to convince herself that she had to do it, her heart wouldn't give permission for it. Shumail had been nothing but sweet towards her and deceiving him and getting the papers signed from him fraudulently, Eram couldn't bring herself to do that.

I can't do this to him!

She spoke to herself, almost as if finally realising that she can't betray him. That realisation made her run towars their room, as she continuously prayed that Shumail hadn't signed the papers. She had no care about anything for the time being, neither did she care about what she was going to answer to that person as to why she didn't get if signed, she just wanted to stop Shumail from signing them.

Climbing the stairs, she hurried to their room and open the door quickly, her eyes falling on Shumail who was walking out of the closet fully dressed in his office attire, buttoning his cuffs. He looked up and saw her at the door as he gave her a bright smile. She entered the room and closed the door behind her and made her way to the coffee table placed at the side, and she saw the files lied on it as she wondered if he had signed them.

She was going to ask him about it as she turned around to do so but was surprised when Shumail's left hand snaked around her waist and he placed a kiss on her temple before he walked to the coffee table and took a seat on one of the couches. Eram stood on her spot, blinking her eyes trying to get a hold of herself and thinking what was happening to her, but it wasn't time to be losing herself in her thoughts as she quickly shook her head to remove all the thoughts. Her eyes fell on Shumail who had moved forward and grabbed his pen as he pulled the file closer to him and flipped it open.

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