4: Anti-Psychotics

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  "What is this?" Daehyun asked, lifting it up so everyone could see, "What is this tablet?" 

"It's a-"

Before Bee could answer, Taehyung lifted his arm, grabbing the back of Daehyun's head and slamming his face down onto the table. As the rest of the people around the table jumped to their feet, he dragged Daehyun up by the back of his neck and yanked him off balance, shoving him into the wall and pinning him there by his throat.

"Taehyung!" Jimin shouted, grabbing him by one of his arms as Namjoon took the other, trying to pull him back, "Let him go!"

Daehyun clawed at Taehyung's hand, trying to free himself as he began to choke. Jojo was screaming at him, but Hoseok pulled her back, keeping her out of the line of danger.

Taehyung slowly released his grip and Jimin and Namjoon hauled him back away from the gasping man.

"What the fuck?!" He croaked once he caught his breath, "Why the fuck did you attack me?! What the hell is that tablet?!"

"None of your goddamn business!" Taehyung snarled, "Keep your hands to yourself,"

"No," Himchan moved to Daehyun, helping him up as Hoseok let go of Jojo, who ran to his side, "Tell us what's going on. It's obviously something important,"

"Are they anti-psychotics?!" Jojo yelled, "Is she a psycho? Because he should be taking them as well!"

Taehyung made an angry growl and lunged forward again. Jimin and Namjoon tightened their grip and Yoongi ran forward, putting himself in the middle of the two groups.

"Do something, we can't hold him," Jimin said, turning to Bee.

His wife moved from where she was standing with Jungkook, who had dragged her out of the way when the fight started.

"Tae," She said calmly, "Go to your shed,"

Taehyung struggled in Jimin and Namjoon's grip, but his eyes flickered to her.

"But they-"

"Go to your shed," She repeated, "And calm down. I'll come and get you with Hana in a bit so we can look at Jongup, and then when we have all calmed down, we will deal with this,"

Taehyung took a deep breath and pulled himself free from the two men holding him. He fixed the other group a stare, and turned, heading out of the kitchen. A moment later, they heard the front door close.

"What is in that tablet for him to react so strongly?" Daehyun said, wiping the blood from his face with the cloth that Jojo had given him, "You need to tell us, now,"

"We don't need to tell you anything," Namjoon said, "Don't talk to Sarge like that,"

"He just had his head slammed into a table and was choked!" Jojo exclaimed, "You owe us an explanation!"

"No, we don't," Namjoon snapped, "You're on probation and you snatched something from Bee. Taehyung is very protective over her, and we told you to stay out of his way. It's your own fault,"

"Woah, okay, calm down," Yoongi said, placing his hand on the gun at his hip as Himchan took a step forward, "Let's all take a breath,"

Daisy pulled at Jungkook, bringing him away from the fight so he was stood with her, Hana and Jin by the sink.

"Everyone take a breath," She suggested, "Calm down and use your voices, not your fists,"

"Shut up," Em An snapped at her, "You're just a cook, you-"

"Just a cook?" Jungkook said, "Well without this cook, you wouldn't have even been fed this morning, so-"

"Enough!" Bee yelled, "Everyone shut up!"

All heads in the room turned to the scientist and Jimin moved behind her, folding his arms over his chest so it was clear that he was backing her up.

"Taehyung is right. It's not anyone's business what tablet I take, but seeing as you're so worked up about it, it's a vitamin that I need. Next time, just ask, don't snatch, you're not a child,"

"Taehyung is incredibly protective over Bee," Jimin said, placing a hand on her shoulder, "So he reacted very strongly to you upsetting her. I'm not going to apologise for what he did, because you're both in the wrong, but we will have to talk about this later,"

Yoongi took his hand from the butt of his gun when he saw that they were starting to relax.

"What's in the shed?" Himchan asked, "You told him to go to the shed. What's in the shed,"

Bee glanced at Jimin, who frowned.

"Stay out of his shed," He ordered, "And stay out of his way," He turned to Bee, "Baby, where did the tablet go? You need to take it,"

"I think it fell," She said, "I'll look for it,"

"We'll help," Jin said, moving towards her, "You just sit down, you're looking a bit pale,"

"I'll take Jongup something to eat," Daisy said, not looking at Em An as she moved past her to get the small bowl of soup she had already prepared for the sick man.

"Everyone else," Jimin said, "Get back to work. Hana, see to Daehyun, would you?"


AN: Of course Taehyung would never do anything to hurt Bee guys, come on :P He'd never hurt her baby, either!

On another note, I was thinking of publishing the first book in paperback. What do you think? Obviously, it would be like Ivy Gates and the Pianist, where they have different names... I've already started editing!

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