41: Chaos In The Kitchen

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"Daisy!" Jin sobbed, dropping to his knees and pulling her to his lap. He gently patted her face with his long fingers, "Wake up, please, open your eyes," He choked out another sob, looking up, "Taehyung, help her! Please! Taehyung!"

Taehyung ignored him, rushing to Bee, who was laying on the floor, her arms cradling her stomach.

"I'm fine," She choked, "See to Daisy!" She pushed herself up and crawled to Jimin, who hissed in pain as he sat up.

"Are you alright, baby?" He asked, cupping her face with his hands, "I'm sorry, I couldn't do anything-"

"I'm fine," She said, "Are you hurt?"

"No, she missed. The bullet just grazed my arm," He looked up with sad eyes, "Daisy?"

Jin was sobbing as Taehyung barked orders to Jungkook, who ran from the kitchen to get medical supplies from the med bay across the hall. Taehyung's hands were stained red as he applied pressure to the wound on Daisy's chest, but he didn't look hopeful.

"She's not breathing!" Jin screamed, leaning down over her head, "Please! Daisy wake up, please! Don't do this, don't leave me, wake up we need you!"

Jungkook rushed back in with his arms full of bandages and various items that Taehyung had asked for, but he dropped them, his eyes wide when Taehyung slowly sat back, shaking his head.

"She's gone,"

"No!" Jin yelled, grabbing the front of his shirt with his hands, "No, you help her! Help her!"

Taehyung pulled free of Jin's grip, "Her lungs were already weak from the sickness! The bullet pierced a lung, there's nothing anyone can do, she's dead!"

Jin pulled Daisy up to his chest, his arms wrapped around her, "No, she's not, she can't be," His words were hard to understand, he was sobbing so hard, "Daisy,"

"Namjoon..." Yoongi said softly, unsure of where to go or what to do to help. There was so much chaos in the kitchen that he felt lost. However, as he took a step towards the trembling man, Namjoon launched his gun across the room with a window shattering yell, before turning and walking quickly out of the room, past both Jimin and Bee who were both still on the floor, and Jin who was cradling Daisy's body.

Jimin jumped to his feet and then looked back down at Bee. She waved him away, tears streaming down her face, and he took off after his friend.

Yoongi moved to Bee, helping her to her feet and sitting her at a chair near the table. When Taehyung moved to check on her, she waved him away as well, covering her face and crying into her hands.

Jungkook dropped down to his knees next to Jin and wrapped his arms around both him and Daisy, trying to comfort Jin as they both cried.

With a sad sigh, Yoongi moved to the corner where Hana's body was in a heap on the floor. Even with the confusion and chaos in the room, Namjoon had hit her straight in the head. Even though it was of little hope, Yoongi wished that Namjoon would know that she passed quickly with no pain.

He crouched down, scooping her up in his arms, and after a split second of deciding, he carried her down the stairs and placed her on the bed in the lab. They would have to deal with her later, but for now, Daisy and Bee were the priority.


"Namjoon!" Jimin yelled, finally catching up with the soldier. He grabbed him by his shoulder and swung him around, pulling him into a hug.

The taller man's body immediately began to tremble as he broke down into tears, "Sarge," He sobbed, "I- ...... I don't...."

"It's alright," Jimin soothed him, "You don't have to say anything. It's okay,"

After a moment of allowing himself to be overcome by the tears, Namjoon pulled away from the Sergeant.

"I'm sorry," Jimin said, "That things escalated that far. I can't even imagine how this feels for you,"

"She gave me no choice," He said, his voice gruff, "She left me no choice, I didn't want to, Sarge, but I couldn't let her kill Bee,"


"Sorry, Sarge," Namjoon muttered, stepping away, "I want to be alone,"

Jimin watched as Namjoon walked away, head low. He ran his fingers through his hair, hating himself for not being able to help.

"I shouldn't have let it escalate like that," He muttered, "He shouldn't have had to do that,"

"It wasn't your fault," Jimin sighed as Yoongi spoke from behind him.

"I'm supposed to be in charge," He answered, not looking around, "That means I'm supposed to be in control,"

"Sometimes things don't go to plan," Yoongi said quietly, "I don't want to point fingers here, but it wasn't your fault. It wasn't Namjoon's fault, or Daisy's fault or anybody's fault. It just spiralled so quickly out of control that there was nothing anyone could do," He took a deep breath and Jimin heard his voice crack, "My gun killed Daisy and Namjoon killed his girl. We need to deal with the aftermath of that now. Jin needs us. Namjoon needs us. We need you, Jimin,"

Jimin took a deep, shuddering breath in, "I don't know if I'm the one suited for this job," He said, before turning and heading back into the house, "I don't think I have enough responsibility to keep everyone alive. After all, three people have died and two have been bitten since I started this desertion mission away from the camp,"


AN: akiasters You got your wish. I hate you ¬_¬

Shitty chapter, sorry

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