45: People In The Road

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Jimin had been driving for not much longer than twenty minutes when he had to slow the car down because of an obstruction in the road.

"Are those people?" Jungkook asked, peering out the front window from the back seat, "I mean, alive people?"

"Looks like it," Jimin said, stopping the car.

In the middle of the road, waving them down, was a pair of women, both with scruffy dark brown hair and dirty clothes, as if they hadn't bathed in a while.

Taehyung readied his knife, but Jimin held his hand out.

"Let's see first,"

"Do you not remember last time you trusted people?" Taehyung snapped, "Think about Bee!"

"Hush," Jimin muttered, unbuckling his seatbelt, "Jungkook, get in the passenger seat. Taehyung come with me but keep your mouth shut,"

Taehyung narrowed his eyes but got out the car as Jimin did. His gun trained on the pair, Jimin moved closer, carefully making sure that there wasn't anybody else around them to set off an ambush.

"We're unarmed!" One of the women said, raising her hands, "Please don't hurt us!"

"Why are you out here in the middle of the road?" Jimin asked, "When it's already beginning to get late?"

"We saw you drive past a while ago," The second woman answered, "We were trying to follow you, we thought you could help,"

"Help how?" Taehyung snapped, spinning his knife in his hand, "I can help you die if you want, but that's all you're getting from me,"

"Taehyung shut up," Jimin snapped as the two women fearfully took a step back, "Who are you?"

"I'm Thalia," The first woman said, raising her hands, "I was a nurse at Charlie Delta before it fell,"

"I'm Julie," The other said, "I was a gunner for missions at Charlie Delta,"

Jimin narrowed his eyes, "Where's your gun, Julie?"

The woman's eyes filled with tears and she glanced over at Thalia before answering, "We were attacked by a group of men a few days ago. They took everything, and they almost..." She trailed off and took a deep breath, "Thalia and I managed to escape before they took our clothes,"

Jimin took a deep breath and lowered his gun. The idea that a pair of women were alone in the world with no weapons and a group of men after them upset him.

"You can come with us," He said, standing up straight, "We have a safe place,"

The two women seemed to relax, "Is it okay?" Thalia asked, "We won't be any trouble, and we can work!"

Jimin nodded, "Come on,"

"Jimin!" Taehyung argued, "We-"

"We can't just leave them out here," Jimin cut him off, "It's getting dark, and a nurse would be useful with Daisy," He took a deep breath, "And Bee,"

Taehyung made a growling sound but turned, heading back to the car.

"Tae, you drive," Jimin ordered as the women walked past him. Once they had climbed into the backseats, he climbed in beside them, resting his gun on his lap, "Let's go,"


"I'm sorry," Namjoon broke the silence, "I didn't know you had to do something so horrible,"

"We've all had to do bad things, Namjoon," Yoongi sighed, "Nobody is guilt free anymore,"

Namjoon sighed, "Yeah, I guess you're right. I just feel so..." He trailed off, not knowing how to complete his sentence.

Yoongi nodded, "Yeah," He said, "I know. It's hard, but at least you know that you saved a lot of lives," He said, "The baby and Bee. Jimin, because I think if Bee were killed, he wouldn't be able to cope. You saved Daisy and me and Jungkook. I don't think she would have stopped at just Bee,"

Namjoon rubbed his face with his hands, "You're right," He sighed, "I've seen that look before. Hana snapped. But I told her she was safe and then I killed her,"

"I promised I'd protect Jungkook," Yoongi said, "But I turned away when he was being experimented on in those labs. Hana was experimented on, too, Namjoon. I think she was close to bubbling over and with Hoseok dying, she was at breaking point. Getting found out just sent her over the edge. There was no coming back for her,"

Namjoon was quiet for a moment, "Yoongi, did you hate her?" He asked softly, "After you found out what her plans were with you. Did you hate her?"

Yoongi shook his head, "There wasn't enough time to process any hate," He said.

"I think they all hated her," Namjoon said sadly, "Taehyung and Jin. Jimin and Bee and Jun-"

"Jungkook would never," Yoongi cut him off, "Jungkook sees the good in everyone, and he has already forgiven her. And I don't think that Bee hated her. I think Bee is more likely to hate herself for not being able to help,"

"You understand Bee quite a lot," Namjoon said suddenly, "You watch her a lot, too. Jimin hasn't noticed, but I have. You know, she's-"

"She's married, I know," Yoongi said, "I don't want to talk about it,"

Namjoon nodded and leaned back in his chair, "Alright. I won't push. Just that if you-"

"I won't do anything," Yoongi snapped, "Drop it, okay?"

"Yeah. Okay. Sorry,"

The silence between them grew a little awkward, but they were spared of trying to figure out how to continue their conversation by the walkie talkie on the table crackling to life.

"Yoongi Hyung, are you there?" Jungkook's voice came through clearly, and Yoongi picked up the radio immediately.

"I'm here, Kook, what's up?"

"We're almost back. We have two extra people with us, so could you get some vegetables peeled? Daisy taught me how to make vegetable stew, so I'll make it when I get back,"

Yoongi smiled, "Yeah. Sure thing, Kook,"

"Thanks, Hyung,"

The line crackled and went dead, and Yoongi got to his feet.

"You and Jungkook are close," Namjoon noted, "But I think there's more to it,"

Yoongi smiled as he moved to the door, "Yeah," He said, "You're observative. Jungkook reminds me of my younger brother. I guess I see him as one. Without Jungkook, I might not have survived this long. His love is what keeps me going,"

As Yoongi got to the door, Namjoon spoke up again.

"Yoongi," The soldier turned to face him, "I didn't mean any offence. I won't tell Sarge, either,"

Yoongi took a deep breath, "Thanks," He said, before going out the door and heading down the ladder.

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