9: Companions

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Jin tapped his knuckles on Daisy's bedroom door, and stepped back, waiting for an answer. He heard a sharp cough followed by slow footsteps, and then it sounded like Daisy had slumped against the door.

"Hello?" Her voice was hoarse, as if she had been coughing for a while, and Jin's eyes widened in panic.

"Daisy, it's me, are you alright?"

There was a slight pause, and then she spoke quietly, "I'm fine. Have you eaten dinner yet?"

"Don't lie to me," Jin's voice was soft, "Can you open the door?"

"No! No, I'm not allowed," She said hurriedly, "I can't. If I do, you'll get sick, too,"

Jin rubbed his hands across his face and rested his forehead on the wood, "Daisy, please, I need to see-" He was cut off by the sound of violent coughing, and stepped back, his eyes wide, "I'll get Taehyung!" He said, "Go and rest, Daisy, I'll be right back!"

Before Daisy could reply, Jin sprinted away from the door and down the stairs to the med bay. Taehyung had posted a handwritten sign on the door telling people to knock but not go inside, so Jin did as he was told, waiting impatiently for Taehyung to come to him.

The door creaked open just a sliver, and Jin could see Taehyung through the gap, wearing a mask over his mouth and nose, and some kind of goggles over his eyes; the same type he had seen Hana wear in the lab.

"What?" He snapped, clearly grumpy.

"Daisy's sick," Jin said, a little out of breath, "She needs help,"

Taehyung was quiet for a moment before he nodded, "I'll be up in a bit. I need to change, I can't walk through the house in this," He closed the door and Jin sighed, before rushing back up to Daisy's room.

Taehyung appeared a moment later in what Jin assumed was a fresh set of personal protective equipment and a box in his arms with various things inside.

He was quiet for a moment before knocking on the door, "It's Taehyung, let me in,"


"I'm not going to do anything," The medic snapped, "I thought everyone would trust me by now, seeing as we're all companions and I don't hurt my companions,"

Jin frowned, "That's not what I was going to say. I was going to thank you for helping her,"

"Oh," There was an awkward silence between them for a moment, until the lock on the door clicked open.

"I'll take care of her," Taehyung mumbled, pushing Jin so he stepped away from the door as it opened. He went inside and Jin got a brief glimpse of Daisy before it closed behind him.

His eyes widened and he could feel tears filling his eyes. She was deathly pale and seemed to have to hold onto something just to stay on her feet. There were flecks of blood over her chin from where she had been coughing and he was suddenly very glad that Jimin had insisted on going to the pharmacy on the same day.

Jin went to check on Bee, and found Jungkook sitting on the floor outside her room with his little white hen on his lap.

"Jungkook, are you alright?" He asked, sitting down next to him, "You look sad,"

Jungkook shrugged, "I'm useless," He muttered, "Nobody needs my help, ever. I'm a liability,"

"Don't be silly," Jin turned his head when he heard Bee's strong voice through the closed door, "You're not useless at all. You do something that's really important!"

"What, made the cure?" He said sarcastically, "Because I didn't do that. I just gave some blood. Or were you talking about cleaning the poop out of the animal pens?"

"You're pissing me off," Bee's voice responded, "When did you start to get that attitude? No, I mean you keep morale up. You always make sure to check on everybody, and you make sure that Hana and I eat when we're in the lab. You make sure everyone is happy, and in this world, happiness is rare,"

Jungkook was silent for a moment before sighing, "Sorry," He mumbled, "It's just that Sergeant Park said-"

"Jimin doesn't want you getting hurt," Bee interrupted, "So don't worry. Whatever he said, he said it while thinking about you, not himself,"

"You don't sound sick," Jin said suddenly, "Are you feeling alright?"

"Just morning sickness," Bee responded, "I'm fine. I don't think the blood was on me long enough, and Taehyung made Jimin practically bathe me in bleach. I'll still stay in here until I've made one hundred percent sure, though,"

There was more silence, before Jin spoke, his voice weak, "Daisy's sick,"

The silence after he finished speaking those two words was deafening. He let out a choked sob and rested his forehead on his knees, "Please tell me she's going to be okay, Bee," He said, "Please,"

Bee hesitated, "I can't promise she will be," She said, her own voice thick with emotion, "I love Daisy, too, Jin, and I really was praying that she'd be alright," She took a deep breath, "Jimin will come back with medicine," Her voice sounded more confident, "You have to trust him. He and Taehyung will do everything they can to help her,"

Jungkook reached out, placing an arm around Jin's shoulders as he curled deeper into himself, the tears becoming a steady stream down his cheeks.

"I love her," He croaked, "I can't lose her,"

"You won't," Jungkook suddenly said, his voice trembling but loud, "I trust in Jimin and I trust Taehyung and Hana and Bee. They will do everything they can to save her. They saved Yoongi Hyung, they'll do the same for Daisy,"

Jin lifted his head, his red eyes staring at Jungkook, "How can you be so sure?"

Jungkook smiled a little, "Because I trust them," He said, "And I don't want to lose Daisy, either. They will help her, they have to. There is no other option,"


AN: Not a very action filled chapter, but I hope you enjoyed!

On another note, I was thinking of doing a special chapter/book on you Bumblys... If you're up for it!

This is what will happen:

I will pick some of the readers who answer the question below and give them each an interview about various things (including some stuff about me huehue do I sound self-centred? I'M NOT! I'M JUST CURIOUS!!!!!!)

I will post the mini interview on my account, obviously shouting you out and linking to your account. Also, I will read the first chapter of one of your books if you have any (you tell me which one) and I will give you my thoughts, advice, or anything else you want. 

How does that sound?

Please let me know if you're interested! I'd like to help you Bumblys get known!

To enter, just answer this:

In "The Cure" series, who is your favourite character and why?

There is no wrong answer, just let me know and I'll pick some winners!

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