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⚠️warning!⚠️ This chapter contains violence.
You have been warned.....

Let me rewind that:

After mom left, I decided to just call it a night and went to bed.

The next morning:

The alarm rings on my phone and I move my hand around trying to locate it from under my pillow.

After I shut it off, I look at the time and realize that it's time for school.

So I get up, get dressed and make my way out the door to walk to school. As I'm on the stairs of the porch, something tells me that I should take my car today. I don't know what but I have this nagging feeling at the back of my mind  that's telling me that taking my car to school today is a better idea.
So with only two minutes to spare, I dash up the stairs and grab my keys from my desk drawer and run back down.

As I drive to school and park my car, I sit in my car and look outside. Girls talking to their best friends, couples holding hands and walking towards the school entrance. I smile sadly at my bad luck. I never had that and I never will.

I shake my head and get out of the car, grabbing my backpack and my books. As I near my locker, I can't help but wonder how today is going to go. Will it be like the rest of the horrible days that have passed? Or will there be a change today? It's stupid, I know. But a small part of me wishes something positive happens today.

As I'm picking out books for today, I don't see a hand roughly shutting my locker door close and before I can react, the door smacks very hard against my right hand. I yell in pain and take out my hand gently to see it turning a very angry shade of red. I look to my right to see the person responsible for this and am not surprised at all when I find that it's Candice who did this. And she's not alone this time. Well, she never is. But today, her boyfriend is with her and he's glaring just as hard at me as she is.

I look at the two as I cradle my hand to my chest because it just won't stop aching. Candice steps forward as the bell rings and everyone scurries about to get to class. I turn around to get going when I'm pulled back when someone grabs the back of my shirt and slams me into the lockers. After hissing in pain, I open my eyes and see that the boyfriend's face is dangerously close to mine and he's smiling evilly while his arm is over my neck.

"So, you got rejected huh?" Candice sneers at me. "Why didn't you tell me yesterday?" She pouts at me as if we're best friends and I forgot to mention that I have a crush on a guy.

When I don't answer, she yanks at my hair and glares at me, "Answer me bitch!"

I swallow thickly and say, "we should get to class."

At that, the two laugh and I'm shoved into the lockers once again. Although this time the boyfriend doesn't hold me with his arm so instead I fall on the floor. Which then gives the perfect satanic couple to kick me wherever their shoes can reach. I try to cover my ribs with my hands to prevent them from cracking and succeed.

When the two are finished squishing my insides to juices, they run off. Leaving me in a fetus position on the floor as I whimper in pain. No bones cracked but my whole body feels like it's on fire.
Every part aches and throbs so bad.

I get up off of the floor after falling a couple of times.

I limp my way towards the entrance. I can't do this anymore.

As I near the parking lot, I'm suddenly thankful for driving my car today. There is no way I could've ever limped my way to the house without collapsing. So I clumsily get in my car. Hissing in pain when my back hits the seat. My hand still aches and it hurts to even move an inch but I manage to twist the key in the ignition while whimpering to get the engine to roar to life.

I drive really slow. Everything hurts and driving at moderate pace seems like a challenge so I stick to driving slow. Really slow.


I heave as I empty my breakfast into the toilet. Those kicks to the stomach are really effective in making you lose everything you've consumed.

I can't help but cry as I'm heaving. It hurts. Everything hurts. Not just physically but emotionally. Mentally.

As I'm emptying my stomach some more, my phone rings and I brush my teeth before grabbing it.
I answer groggily. Not caring how I sound.

"Oh God. Willow? Are you okay?"

"Yeah-" I go to answer but I feel more food coming up and throw up again. Coughing and hacking. All the whole Natalie is asking me questions and freaking out on the other end.

"Willow? Why are you throwing up? Did you accidentally eat strawberries? You're allergic!"

Little does she know. As I'm throwing up, I think of how much of a mother Natalie has been to me than my own. Just another one of the many reasons I love Natalie to death.

After I'm done. I lean back on the edge of the tub and sob out, "I can't do this anymore."

Natalie shushes me gently, "Shh. It's okay. Calm down. Take deep breaths."

I do as she says and it calms me down a little.

"Okay. Now tell me what happened."

I open my mouth but no words come out and instead a sob spills out. "It-it g-got ph-physical."

I hear her gasp in outrage and curse under her breath, "Willow. Who did this?"

"C-Candice and her b-boyfriend," I feel like a little kid snitching right now but I couldn't care less. "It h-hurts Natalie." Another sob.

I hear her move around a little and talk to someone on the other side. A few moments later I hear her sniffle.

I whimper our a pathetic,"I'm sorry."

"Hey. Don't you dare be sorry. You have nothing to be sorry about." She says sternly.

"Can I-can I still come live with you guys?" I mumble out quietly. I don't know where it came from but I didn't have to think over it for long before I heard her reply.

"God yes. Yes. Of course. I'll send you the ticket immediately. Start packing."

I sob out in relief, "thank you so much."

"You don't have to thank me," she laughs softly as she sniffles. "I'll always be here for you."

Before she ended the call, I heard her yell out, "AUNT WILLOW IS COMING!!"

After she said that I heard a very excited voice of my nephew yell out,


"Honey, she's coming tomorrow."

"OH OKAY!!!"

"Why are you still screaming?"


After that I heard a beep which meant my sister finally found out she forgot to end the call.

I should get started with packing.



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I came across this picture and thought I'd share it with you. It makes me feel sad.
Now that I think of it, the picture goes perfectly with how Willow is feeling right now, don't you think?

Thanks for reading,
Teddy 🐾

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