So Much Fun

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This chapter may get a little....graphic.
You have been warned, reader. Tread with care....

A week later

It's been a week and, things have surprisingly changed.
Blondie's abuse stopped being physical and is now only verbal. Which to be honest, still hurts but it's okay.

Theodore and I have become really good friends over the past week. We've hung out every day.
Some days, it's ice cream, some days we go fishing.
There was this one time, where Theodore was patiently waiting for a fish to latch onto the bait and I crept up behind him, holding a worm.
I put it on his shoulder and it literally took him seconds to figure out there's something on his shoulder.
He screamed a very high pitched scream and dropping the fishing rod into the water, in haste of trying to get rid of the worm on his shoulder.
That was fun. I recorded it on video.

I smiled at thought as I currently sat in Physics, trying not to sleep with the boring words the teacher is monotonously spewing out of his mouth.

My phone lit up from where it was placed on my lap and I discreetly glanced down. A smile forming on my face when I realized it was Theodore texting me.

What's up

In class right now

Haha. Sucks to be you.

Don't you have someone else to annoy?

Nope, just you.

Let me focus

I'm bored. Let's meet up after school?

Yep. U got it.


I shake my head and turn to look back at the teacher, trying to focus as best as I can.
The bell rings and everyone literally jumps out of their places. I slowly make put my notebooks in my bag and get up to leave.

As I'm walking down the hallway, a rough and sudden push from behind makes me fall and I yelp as I land on my knees; my arms breaking my fall.

I turn around and find none other than Blondie.
I gulp loudly as I observe the eerie smile on her perfectly glossed lips.

I look around, hoping I'll spot a teacher but the hallway is now empty. It's just us and I'm now shaking a little as I wonder what's going to happen.
Her smirk tells me it's not going to be pleasant. For me, at least.

She looks behind her and mumbles two very clear words, "grab her."

Who's she talking to? She's alone.

All of a sudden, the door of a classroom opens and walk out two very huge and very angry jocks.
I'm now quivering as I look at the three of them.

The two jocks snap their knuckles and grins evilly as they slowly come near me.
My arms are gripped. Hard and I'm hoisted up into the air and my body is slammed into the lockers.
I groan at the impact and fall to the floor when my arms are let go of.
I look up slightly and find the lockers dented.

That didn't hurt for nothing.

My arms are grabbed and I'm lifted up once again. Blondie walks toward me and bends down a little so that her face is now level with mine.
My vision is slightly blurry due to the harsh impact my head took from the lockers. I blink a little to clear the haze but it doesn't work.

"Enjoyed a few days off, did you?" Blondie sneers in my face. "Well, I'm back now. And it'll be so much fun. For me at least."
After that she slams her fist to my right cheek and my head swivels to the left. My head spins and tear of pain run down my face.

"Please don't," I whisper and my voice cracks at the end.

Laughter is heard in response and a sharp slap to my already throbbing cheek.

Great, another bruise on the face. The previous one just healed.

The slapping and punching continues. I feel something slowly trickle down my nose and realize it's blood.

Blackness is creeping through, now and I can only make out a blur of a hand going to and fro against my face.

I want to close my eyes but I don't know what will happen if I do and I don't want to take any chances.
But just for a little second...

I feel myself fall to the floor but I'm too ecstatic about the punching finally being stopped, to care. I whimper as my whole body aches with every inhale and exhale.
Too bad, I need to breathe.

"FUCK!" Someone yells loudly and I want to tell them to be quiet but even the thought of moving a finger makes me want to wail.
I'm gently lifted off of the floor and into someone's lap. Warm hands shake my head, "No,no. Keep your eyes open, you hear me? No! Willow? Baby, please. I need you to keep your eyes open for me."

I lift my eyes, mustering all the strength I can and look up at Theodore. He's crying. I don't want him to cry. I groan a little as I raise my hand to wipe his tear away. My hand stays on his face, not moving.
He stares down at me, crying silently. He softly grips my hand in his, not moving from his face, but just holding it in his.
I can no longer resist the temptation and so I let my eyes slid shut.
I hear a faint panicked voice,

"Willow? Baby, no!"


I feel like I'm floating; it's so peaceful.

Then, there's this beeping noise.

"Hey," a soothing voice whispers. "Time to wake up, princess. You've been here for three days now." A pleasant warmth shoots up my arm.

I try to blink open my eyes but it doesn't work. I try moving my arms, feet, head, anything. But nothing happens.
It's like I'm locked inside my own body.

I try once again. And feel my hand twitch. The one where the comforting warmth is.

"Willow?" The voice asks hopefully. I want to answer, I really do. But I can't.

"If you're listening, please wake up. Please. We miss you. I miss you."

I try again and give up, feeling drained.
A few seconds later, a warm sensation is felt on my forehead.

It's so soothing, I wish to feel it again.

*sniffle* *holds up box of tissues*
Tissues anyone?

Thanks for reading,
Teddy 🐾

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