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⚠️warning!⚠️ this chapter can be triggering. So beware. And be safe.

I've been getting really good at hiding the pain. I thought it would've been hard because Theodore is back but i guess the quote 'where there is a will, there is a way' wasn't wrong.
I've been hiding all the bruises with make up; and no one suspects a thing.

It's not getting better.
It's getting much much worse.

I feel like a nobody all the time.

"Aunt Lilo?" Casper calls out in a panicked voice from the living room and I jump up from the dining table, where I was sat doing my homework and run over to him; only to find him pouting sadly at a blank screen tv.
"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" I ask him and he shakes his head at me, and points to the tv.
"I think the tv is sick," he pouts even more and I notice tears shine in his eyes. "Will it be okay?"

I awkwardly look around, not knowing how to handle this situation and sigh in relief when I see the tv plug not connected to the switch.
I walk over to it and plug it in, smiling as I see Casper's eyes widen with glee and his entire attention towards some Chowder cartoon.
I ruffle his hair as a I walk back to the dining table and continue doing my math homework.

Natalie and Joe were currently gone grocery shopping and Theodore was at work. He kept on trying to convince me to come with him but I refused, telling him I have a test due on Monday.

The truth was that I didn't want to meet new people. It makes me anxious and I'd just be getting in the way of everyone so why not just stay home where I'm safe and alone?

As I'm writing on the paper, my arm itches badly and I scratch it but it hurts when I do.
I remove my sleeve and see the two faint scars that I made last night on my arm. They don't bleed anymore but as they're healing, they itch and I can't scratch it.
I cover my arm with my sleeve hastily when I hear the front door open and the laughter of Joe as Casper runs over to him and hugs his legs saying how he missed him.
"I was only gone for an hour, Casp," joe chuckles as he picks up a cuddly Casper in his arms and hugs him back.

"I hope he wasn't much trouble." Natalie walks in the dining room after she's done setting all the food into the pantry.

"Him? Trouble? I think you're forgetting that he's my niece and that he's nothing but an angel." I scoff mockingly at her and she laughs lightly.

"So how's the test prep coming along?" She asks me as she takes a seat on the chair next to me and I shrug my shoulders in response.
"It's coming along alright."

She nods her head but doesn't say anything else and I focus on the math sum. I'm too engrossed in my work and think Natalie probably left but when I glance up, I almost yelp when I notice her sitting right where she had been and was observing me as she supported her chin on her palm.
"What?" I ask her and she shakes her head very very slowly; still analyzing me.

"I can't believe I didn't notice it before," she almost mumbles to herself and I ignore it, going back to the sum and pretending not to here her. She's goes on, "I can't believe I didn't notice the lifeless look in your eyes."

My pencil halts on the paper for a millisecond but I urge my hand to keep moving so she doesn't get suspicious.
And she doesn't because she speaks up louder this time, "I'm gonna go put Casper down for a nap and might crash myself for some time. You need something? To eat?"

I shake my head and send her a fake smile, "I'm good. Thanks."

See? Told you I was getting good at pretending.

She nods her head but stops as she's almost out the doorway and turns around to look at me, "if you do get hungry, there is cake in the fridge and there's also chicken salad."

I nod my head at her and she smiles at me and leaves. I hear Casper let out an "aw Momma. I'm not sleepy."
And Natalie goes, "But I need someone to cuddle with."
A few seconds later the tv turns off and I hear footsteps fading.

I sigh and run my forehead as I feel a throbbing headache slowly arising.

The bell rings and I frown at the door as a I walk toward it to see who's there.
As I pull the door open, I see Theodore standing there with a box of Ben's Cookies.
He smiles wide and I smile back at him and his smile falls. "What's wrong?" He asks me and I frown.
"What do you mean?" I ask him as a I avoid eye contact.
He steps a little closer, but still stands outside and runs his concerned eyes over my face, "Your eyes are red. Have you been crying? Is something wrong?"

I laugh a little but can't control the blush creeping up my neck and the flutter my heart is now in as I take in his questions and his caring nature toward me. "I'm fine Theodore. Come on in." I say as I take a step back to let him through.

He nods his head and walks into the kitchen, placing the box on the kitchen counter.
He looks at the mess I've made on the dining table and he looks at me with a teasing smirk, "Doing homework, I see."
I roll my eyes and can't control the genuine small smile forming on my face. I pull my sleeves lower so they cover my hands and ask him as a I play lightly wave my hands around, "so what's up? I though you were at work."

He turns around and leans back against the counter as he folds his arms against his chest. "I know, but I wanted to see you. Plus, Josh got back from London last night and brought these cookies and I wanted you guys to try them out because they are soooo good!" he rolls his eyes for a dramatic affect at the end and smiles wide at me.
I nod my head and awkwardly shuffle shuffle on my feet as a I look around, not knowing what to do.

I look back at Theodore and smile shakily as I find him staring at me intently. "Come here," he gently orders and I oblige.
I walk toward him and stop at an arm's length and he speaks, "closer."
I move two steps and he speaks again, "closer."

I sigh and move one more step closer. If I move another step, our noses will be touching. He stares deeply into my eyes and whispers, "closer."

I shakily breathe in as I move one step closer and jump back a little when our noses touch in an almost Eskimo kiss. As I moved back a little, his hands shoot up and wrap around my waist as he brings me back so our noses are touching again.

His eyes seem to get even more soft and he whispers, "you're beautiful. Don't ever forget that," he grabs my face delicately between his warm palms and whispers, "You're not alone. I am with you and I'm not going anywhere."

Tears fill up in my eyes and I whisper back unsurely, "promise?"
He smiles and kisses my forehead as he whispers back; determined, "I promise, baby."

If you know the cartoon Casper was watching, "Chowder" then I love you.
I was obsessed with that show when it was still on and was a sad mess when it got cancelled...
Then I discovered Garfield and got over it 😂

Thanks for reading,
Teddy 🐾

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