Chapter 24

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Two figures in palace garments streaked across the beautiful garden, behind them followed a multicolored tornado from which sparks of lightning, fire, water, and the occasional jeweled shoe flew out of.

Cybelline and Killian ran as fast as they could, which even after thirty minutes, much to their chagrin, did not deter many of the women. Indeed, the crowd had grown by hundreds, as the news had spread through the palace. 

Cybelline sighed, if she showed her inhumane speed and strength, Killian would know that she wasn't a normal page. She would be found out before the night was over. 

 She looked over at him, and saw a series of expressions had flashed on his face. Surprise, anger, and then...more anger.

"That damn old hag." He muttered as he ran. Cybelline frowned, "Are you talking about the queen?"

"Who else?" He said, "She poisoned me." Cybelline studied him, "You look fine."

He shook his head, "It's not to kill me. She's getting me back from refusing her orders." He didn't explain and Cybelline didn't ask further. 

The grounds were vast, it circled the palace like a large oval, it's edges stretching for miles like the rays of the shining sun.

"I am going to find the man who created these grounds." Cybelline said after another thirty minutes of running across open fields, "And I am going to destroy him." '

Originally she had though that she could slow down, and let the hoard of women overtake them. Then, she could find a chance to slip away. But, seeing that tornado of bodies, her hair stood on end. Letting that thing catch up to them probably meant death and dismemberment. 

They ran past groves of trees, climb the rocks of the waterfalls, and into the menagerie of confused beasts.

"My Lord!" Five women rushed out and managed to block them. Cybelline recognized this small group as the mage women who had first started to use magic to run over their opponents.

The tallest of them looked at Killian with deadly intent, "I heard that my lord has never known a woman. I would be the happiest of them if I could have my lord's favor."

"Or me." Another girl trilled, flashing her brightest smile, in her hand, she was playing with a ball of magical, silver fire "My lord, the rumors say that you will not allow a lady into your confidence. Let me in, and I can show you that I am your match in every way." She looked at her companions, "I am the strongest mage here, I am clearly the superior choice." Her companions reddened, but dared not to contradict their leader.

"You are as attractive to me as a pile of catsick, begone." Killian said, he saw a branch on the ground and picked it up, holding it like a sword across his chest.

The leader of the women scoffed, "You think any woman in this palace will let you live, untamed by tomorrow? We have the upper hand." They advance, "My lord, a mage wife is a valuable asset. One of us will be your bride, whether you like it or not."

His stare turned to ice. The women, seeing the expression on his face, took a step back in fear. This was a man who commanded the nation's armies, the man who had conquered since he could hold a sword. No one knew his true power, as anyone who had fought him was now dead. 

"If you think that threatening a general is a wise choice. Then you deserve the consequences." The young general was not the fiercest warrior for nothing, in his hand, the slender branch became deadly whip. "Leave now. This is your last warning."

Cybelline hoped that the women wouldn't go. If Killian was busy, then she could leave.  Therefore, she couldn't let these women leave. 

Cybelline smiled, "My lord, you are so magnanimous to let these women leave! We all know you wouldn't hurt women, not in the palace." Hearing this, the mage ladies eyes brightened, indeed, his was an empty threat. They could attack.

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