Chapter 75

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The City of Thieves

Queen Estelle read the report with an aching head. "So...All of Cybelline's property was destroyed in a fire caused by Lord Alistair. Who is a slave of the state."

The courtiers were afraid to look at Queen Estelle, whose rage was palatable. She pinched the bridge of her nose, "How many were lost?"

"Six thousand dwarves, all the pixies, and the black beast. It would be a hundred thousand gold bars."

Estelle's face looked as if she swallowed an entire lemon, she hissed at her advisor, "And you're sure you can't find the writ?"

Lord Jacen saw Cybelline in the crowd and bowed to her, "You're about to come into a fortune."

Cybelline blinked, "Huh?"

Jacen disliked how clueless this woman seemed, "It seems that there was a ministerial error, the writ that claimed Alistair as yours instead of the state's is not where to be found." He glanced at Killian, who was glowering at him. Jacen scratched his head, why did his lord look so mad, but he continued, "It seemed like all of the copies of that writ is no where to be found." Except he knew, since Lord Killian had made him get rid of the evidence.

Lord Evans sighed and pulled Jacen farther from Cybelline, in case Killian decided to throw his third in command out of the window.

Cybelline's eyes light up, "Great, thanks stranger!"

"We've met four times already!" Jacen hissed as she walked away. 

Lord Evans tightened his grip on Lord Jacen's collar as he whispered to his friend  "If I were you, I would try to become more invisible. There is a man whose jealousy might turn you into jam if you get too close to that woman."

Jacen looked at Killian and protested, "But I was an arm's length distance away!"

"From now, stay at least three arms lengths away. If you want to keep that arm." Lord Evans muttered as he turned to the proceedings.

Estelle sighed and she turned to Cybelline with a sweet smile, "My dear, it would cripple us if we gave you all that we owe."

"I find it hard to believe that. Seeing this is the City of Thieves. I've heard that you guys are pretty rich." Cybelline smiled prettily.

Estelle sniffled, "I could pay you back in a year. But to ensure that you get paid in full, I would have to ask you to stay here." She couldn't resist.

"I wouldn't mind going to you vaults and see if my men can find the money today." Killian suddenly spoke. If this dratted queen dared to delay like this then he would have to conquer the country.

"You know what." Queen Estelle said suddenly, her face pale, "I do believe i forgot about the extra hundred thousand gold bars I have lying about. You shall have the money immediately."

Killian turned to Cybelline, his face expectant. He saw a complicated look in her face.

"Did I do something wrong?" He asked, carefully studying her expression. Cybelline resisted the urge to curse, "Well I was angling for a six month pay back plan with a 50% compounding interesting rate."

Cybelline saw the confused look on Killian's face and patted his shoulder, "When you find a wife, make sure she handles the finances. Otherwise you will be destitute."

Killian was still stuck on the word wife when he realized that Cybelline was halfway down the hall. He turned to catch up with her, "I am very well off, but you're right, I might need help. Perhaps you would like to handle my finances?"

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