Miri's Poem - The Saddest Goodbye

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By Patrick Lionsbane

When the stars danced, awoke did she

Petals deep purple, the enchanting flower

Fluttering on the wind, protected by her tree

The lonely maiden looked beyond her sylvan tower

By the moon's grace, looked up did he

Waters silver and blue, the young river

Prowling through the land, heartlessly free

The proud youth flowed atop his earthen giver

Fair flower, dance for me tonight? - Asked he

For a color so vivid should not go to waste

In the darkness, your light answers my plea

For your scent has the world never been graced

Dance I for you? Asked she

Then there must be something you shall give

Tell me stories of the world you see

Wild river, tell me of the life you live

I have seen men of steel and blood - Answered he

Of death which turns my waters red

Beauties and their visages captured by me

And use my waters to bathe their babe's golden head

By the changing winds, my constant and faithful servants

I have seen wars, famine, death, and despair

Yet it is Luck, whom I've ferried on my currents

From her I've known peace, joy, life and hope most fair

Gods desire that for them should I serve

For I run fast and strong throughout this land

But it is my freedom and my pride that I preserve

For no one rules me, I answer only to my own command

But - interjected he

Beauty like yours is rare and few

Come, dance, do not hide from me

So gift to you I give the morning dew

Her dance caught the river in a bind

He stopped and watched the beauty unfurl above

Words and thought he could not find

As the river stilled and fell in love

Fall to me and into my embrace - begged he

To sweeten my water for all of time

We shall bestow life to all those we see

Together our days will be sublime

The flower shook her purple petals, said

Fair youth, it is not your nature to be stilled

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