Chapter 58

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"Okay, you know I have to ask." Cybelline said as she felt the ground shook beneath her feet. The dwarf looked at her, surprised, she continued, "Why haven't you run away?"

Oqir, the dwarf, scoffed, "You've been living among the humans for too long. We dwarfs have honor."

"You were leading me to my death." Cybelline looked for rocks she could use in this situation.

Oqir had the grace to look guilty, "I..."

"Never mind. Why don't we just go back to the platform?" Cybelline said. 

Just then, twenty mages stood up and started muttering a spell. A thick barrier formed around the arena. 

"Well this just get more and and more fun." Cybelline remarked. 


An enormous creature crawled out of the largest cavern. Black feathers covered its large body, ending up to the chained talons. It was enormous, ancient, and deadly. From its beak issued a black cloud of smoke. Blood from gashes seeped from its grey skin, the creature was as ugly as sin. Patches of feathers were missing from its body, evidence of scarring left from its battles.

A great vulture looking creature the size of a small building lumbered forward. A stinking, putrid smell came off of it. It's wingspan seemed to take over a quarter of the arena.

"What the hell are you people feeding these animals." Cybelline said as she stared at the monstrosity that crashed into the rocks blindly.

"Us." Oqir spat.

RAWWWWW! The creature tilted its head up to the sky and from its mouth issued a large mass of flames.

A barrier of magic flared as the fire hit the barrier. Cybelline looked around and saw mages buckle with effort of holding back this great beast. The beast shook its head as it screamed its fury.

The chains did not seem to impeded the beast as it raised its head to look around, its body, though large, was still agile.

"Any weaknesses?" Cybelline said as she stood very still.

"No. No one has survived long enough to find one."

"You know, this morning, I definitely did not think I was going to fight to the death with a giant, fire-breathing turkey."

The bird sniffed hungrily, spotting the two of them, opened its beak. A jet of iron-melting flames rushed at Cybelline and the dwarf.

"DOWN!" Cybelline roared and grabbed the dwarf. She pushed him onto the earth, as flames shot above their heads.

She studied the great, fire breathing beast from her hiding place. It tried to go towards the barrier, to break free. The mages strengthened it, their magic spreading out on the dome like lightning. The bird screamed in anger but retreated, stumbling a little on the uneven ground and rocks.

Cybelline looked at the Dwarf and smiled, "Can you dig well?"

"Can fish swim?" Oqir scoffed.

Cybelline was busy looking for rocks the size of her fist, "It has to be a bit deep. Enough for me to stand in without being able to get out." The dwarf nodded. He was a mining dwarf after all, if there was anything he know how to do, it was digging.

"Hey, Chicken Mcnuggets!" She called out and threw a rock at it. The bird roar as it hit it on the beak and charged at Cybelline.

Phillip and Killian had both stood up at that moment, when they saw what Cybelline was doing.

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