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"Stop that," Jughead grabbed Veronica's wrist. She had been tapping her fingers on the wall to the rhythm of whatever song she was humming.

Veronica flicked his hand away in annoyance.
"We don't have anything better to do anyway. Our plan's already formulated!"

"What do you think they want from us? We've been here for like two days—,"

"Two days, five hours, three minutes, thirty seconds," Veronica obnoxiously cut in.

"—And they haven't done anything to us. Nobody's come to visit or negotiate either," Jughead resumed his speech with a glare at his cell mate.

"They're waiting," she replied thoughtfully. "They're either waiting for our parents to reply, or they're waiting for our parents to get more anxious before they announce the news, so that they'll be more willing to agree to their conditions."

Jughead raised his brow in admiration. It was times like this that he saw how intelligent Veronica was, (though she probably got that from her father's slyness) and not just the filthy rich princess that was portrayed on the outside.


Crap! He didn't realise he was staring.

"You have something on your face," he blurted to cover up his embarrassment.

"What?" Princess immediately touched her face.

"Ugliness," Jughead sniggered.

"I know right!" Veronica exclaimed, which left Jughead astonished.

"What? Oh, I thought we were talking about you," she added once Jughead looked completely bewildered at why she would agree with him.

"Oh, Jughead," she shook her head. "When will you learn to defeat your enemies by stunning them with the unexpected."

Veronica laughed when it was apparent Jughead had not taken her advice by flipping her off.

What was even more unexpected was that the door came flying open and a burly man's shadows appeared in the sudden light.

"Listen, heirs, you're coming with me," there was no trace of friendliness in his hoarse voice.

"But Jughead can't walk," Veronica protested, carrying out their plan. "He needs medical attention, please!"

Veronica protectively put her hand on Jughead's and Jughead put on an even more sickly look than he already had.

"After you come with me, you won't be able to walk too," The man stated meanly.

Veronica's grip tightened slightly on Jughead's hand before loosening as she got up.
"You can do whatever you want with us, we can't escape anyway, but keep in mind that you probably want us alive instead of dead to negotiate with our parents. What use are dead children to them? Dead children would anger them and go against your conditions for them. Jughead was stabbed, and he cannot go through whatever you have in mind for us unless you want us dead."

Jughead, lying on the floor, gaped at Veronica. It was a comical sight in the doorway, where a tall, strong, six foot man stood facing a short, exhausted Veronica, who looked like an angel in the light. Yes, this was part of their plan, but he hadn't expected her to say all that, and Veronica was not following the original plan of her pretending to be weak as well.

The man considered her words for a moment, obviously not pleased by how courageously his prisoner spoke to him. He stood there for another second before grabbing Veronica and slamming the door.

"Veronica!" Jughead called after them and pounded on the door with all his feeble strength. "Veronica! V!"

Jughead slid down onto the floor in despair. God! How was he so stupid! He should have known Veronica would pull something like this from how she had given the gun to Jughead and told him to take care of it. He hated her. Why would she do something like that? Why would she sacrifice herself for him? The weights of pounds of regret crushed Jughead. He should have treated her better, should have been nicer to her.

A tear slid down Jughead's cheeks. They had claimed to hate each other, but Veronica still protected him in times of danger. She had willingly ripped her expensive dress for his wounds and willingly go through pain to protect him. Archie was right, Jughead discovered, Veronica Lodge was selfless and would do anything to protect the ones she wanted to. Crap! Archie! What was he going to tell him when or if he got out alive?

Jughead contemplated his options. Would he give up or fight fiercely in the name of Veronica? Veronica would want him to fight fiercely, so that was what he decided. He quickly wiped his tears and started thinking of battle plans.

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