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Since this was the millionth time they had gone through the near death in hospital, waiting unbudging by the bed, sharing a moment when one woke up, and the whole recovery process, it was easy and fast to Jughead and Veronica this time. Time flew by pretty quickly and before they knew, Jughead was well again. Well, it actually took nearly a year for him to go back to normal, but all that mattered was that they had each other.

As Hermione was in London and Veronica could not go back to the Pembrooke to live with Hiram, she moved in to Jughead's trailer. Jughead was amused how they had to clear the store room for all her clothes and shoes and bags, and it still was not enough to contain her massive collection of designer items. Thankfully, Veronica could store stuff in FP's room as well, as FP moved in with the Coopers now that Jughead and Betty had broken up and it would not be awkward if he were to date Alice Smith. In fact, they heard that Falice were going to get married some time next year.

Everything was good. Hiram started doing illegal business outside Riverdale instead, as Riverdale was being highly monitored after the incident. Crime rate greatly lowered consequently. It seemed for the first time in a while, Riverdale was finally a safe place, where its residents could enjoy life to the fullest in peace.

Of course, school resumed, and while most non-Riverdale students would complain, Riverdale student gladly went to school, as they would much rather go to school than experience all that again. The teachers were particularly glad the students worked even harder than before and Riverdale High's ranking rose a few places in the United States.

The Serpents were prospering with legal business. Some of them were working for Veronica's La Bonne Nuit and Pops, and they opened a Self Defense Center, where Serpents instructed people martial arts, shooting and riding motorcycles. The Self Defense Center was a big hit and almost all of Riverdale flocked there to learn different martial arts to protect themselves in times of need. Some of the Serpents even started working at the Sheriff's to ensure the safety of their town.

"Princess," Jughead rolled over lazily in bed, clutching his laptop tightly to his chest. "Can you get me burgers and fried chicken and a milkshake when you come back from Pops?"

Veronica rolled her eyes. "Yes I know, you ask me that everyday."

She shimmied into her Pops uniform. Although she was earning a lot of money and did not have to work as waitress, she still enjoyed serving customers and working with the other Serpents as Pops in the day and La Bonne Nuit at night.

"How's your novel going?" She asked as she threw all her stuff in her Chanel bag.

"It's nearly finished," Jughead put down the laptop. "Don't worry, you'll be the first to read it."

"I better!" They shared a quick kiss before Veronica gathered her stuff and left for work. "See you tonight, Torombolo."

"Come home earlier, okay babe? Because I want to get the food quicker!" Jughead called after her.

"And here I thought you wanted me back earlier because you miss me!" Veronica shouted back from downstairs, feigning hurt.

Jughead shook his head, chuckling to himself. How did he get so lucky?

Opening his laptop, he started writing his daily chapters of his novel about dystopian literature. He had intertwinned his life in the novel, and of course it was a story of angst, injustice, violence and last but not least, love. And of course, there was a lot of dark humor and references to literature embedded in his novel, where a main character was blind and could not see the world she was living in, but in her mind she could see a whole other universe.

It was a unorthodox idea, but a publisher loved it. They had promised to publish Jughead's novel when he was finished.


"Leaving earlier than usual today?" Antoinette Topaz poured Veronica a cup of Pop's signature soothing and detoxing green tea.

Veronica took a sip before replying her and serving her last table. "Yeah, the monster's hungry."

Toni laughed mischieviously. "Hungry for what? What kind of food?" Her eyes scanned Veronica's body and winked when her eyes travelled back up to her face.

The raven haired girl turned red and nearly choked on her tea. "Antoinette! He's hungry for Pop's food! Burgers and fried chicken, the usual. You know that!"

The tiny Serpent shrugged cheekily. "Who knows? By the way, I'll take your table, you just go home before he starves."

"You know what, I just can't put into words how much I hate you and love you at the same time," Veronica finished the rest of her tea and headed home with Jughead's food.


"Babe, I'm home!" Veronica announced as she opened the front door, balancing the food in one hand and the keys in the other.

"Food!" Jughead rushed downstairs and grabbed the food out of her hand to the dining table.

"Geez, am I that inferior to food?" Veronica commented sarcastically.

"It's a mushroom burger! And salad? And protein smoothies? Thank God for fried chicken though!" Jughead complained as he originally excitedly tore open the package.

"I'm trying to make you eat healthy, stop complaining, junk!" She bantered back, sitting down at the table across him.

Jughead made a sulky face.

"Omg, you're such a kid! You better eat it because I made all of these by myself," Veronica started eating her portion.

"You made it? Then you must have cut back on the sugar, salt and spices to zero!" Jughead protested but reached for his food hungrily. "But that's okay, because your food is made with love in replacement!"

Between bites, the satisfied girl grinned. "You're so cheesy!"

"Well someone had to make up for the lack of cheese in my burger!" Jughead savagely teased his girl.

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