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Taki taki, rumba!

'Are you kidding me!' Veronica thought.
Loud music was blasting from downstairs, most probably Cheryl Blossom's doing.

She groaned and went downstairs to yell at her party animal of a friend.

"Excuse you! Taki Taki somewhere else because someone is actually trying to study the documents!" Veronica tried to yell over the loud music.

"Okay, what the hell, Cheryl?" Veronica finally got a full view of the living room, which was transformed into a party setting by none other than Cheryl Blossom again.

There were drinks and junk food set on the table, a disco ball hanging from the ceiling and dimmed lights with loud music.

"Impressed? Wait, there's more!" Cheryl flicked a switch and colorful lights started shining all over the place to the beat of the music.

"Now take your welcome shot," she shoved a shot of probably vodka mixed with sprite to Veronica.

"What the hell?" Jughead echoed as he could not stand the loud commotion and clambered downstairs to tell Cheryl off as well.

"Jones! Come take your welcome shot!" Cheryl enthusiastically handed him a shot.

"The only person who needs to take the welcome shot is you because you aren't welcome here if you keep doing this! Now turn it off!" Jughead savagely roasted her.

Cheryl rolled her eyes. "Oh lighten up! You two are darker than Riverdale! How long has it been since your last party?"

"Three years since Betty threw me a party that you ruined, and I plan on letting it stay that way," Jughead turned off the music, which Cheryl turned back on with Bluetooth.

"But things don't often go as planned, so bottoms up! I want to see these shot glasses empty," Cheryl insisted, shoving the shot glass into their chests.

"Screw this, why not?" Veronica downed hers with one gulp. She needed a distraction from the crazy events of Riverdald.

"Good girl," Cheryl smiled, satisfied. "Now your turn Jones!"

"If you think I'm doing this...y'all are... okay, fine," Jughead rolled his eyes and drank his too. One shot was not going to hurt.

"Now let the party begin!" Cheryl hollered after downing her welcome shot and turned up the music.

And so Cheryl and Veronica drank while they danced and lost themselves in the music, while Jughead just sat on the couch drinking.

It was not long before a few beer cans, a bottle of soda and a bottle of vodka were empty, and greedy hands grabbed the full bottles, hungry for more.

"Secrets and sins, or drink," Cheryl announced, motioning for the others to sit in a circle.

Jughead ripped open a bag of chips. He was drunk enough to not care about anything now, so he willingly joined the game.

Veronica opened a bag of chips as well. "Cheryl, you're up first."

"Easy, I burned down Thornhill. Next!" Cheryl smiled cheerfully.

"What?" Veronica exclaimed at her shocking sin.

Jughead slow clapped in his drunken state. "Trying to cleanse your family's sins by burning the house. Veronica, you're next!"

"I bullied several girls into changing schools back at Spence," Veronica admited after taking a swig from the bottle.

"Reformed mean girl was indeed a really mean girl," Cheryl lifted an accusing finger at her friend.

Veronica pushed her hand away. "Jughead!"

"Toni and I kissed when Betty broke up with me because of the Black Hood," Jughead came up.

"Excuse moi?! Thr Hobo got to kiss Toni before me?" Cheryl turned angry. "This is unacceptable! This is...,"

"Your turn," Veronica cut in.

Cheryl huffed. "I had a crush on Veronica the first year she came to Riverdale High."

Veronica raised an eyebrow. "Wait, what, really?"

"Yeah, but I distracted myself by obssessing over Josie when you got with Archie. And then I got my love Toni, so I'm way over you," Cheryl explained, secretly triumphant over the fact she made Jughead jealous.

"Too bad, we could have been a power couple," Veronica joked and winked at Cheryl.

"Seriously?" Jughead scoffed. "You two together would just equate huge chaos."

"I think you and I would make a better couple," he followed up and winked at Veronica.

"Jughead, are you drunk flirting with me?" Veronica laughed, as she thought he was just messing around.

He frowned. "Drunk flirting? No, of course not! Can't you tell that I like you?"

Veronica paused before forcing out a nervous laugh. "Okay, you're definitely drunk, maybe it's time for you to go to bed."

"No, it's true! I like you! If you don't believe me, ask Cheryl!"

"Unfortunately for you, it's true, and if drunk Hobo wants to spill his crush on you when he's intoxicated then I can't lie to you either," Cheryl shrugged.

Veronica gaze flitted between the two, unable to decide whether they were serious or just drunk.

"Believe me Lodge! Why do you think my relationship with Betty failed? Because I like you, I-,"

Veronica placed a hand over Jughead's mouth. "Stop! You're drunk! And I don't think you want to be saying things that you'll regret in the morning. I'm with Archie, okay? I have a boyfriend, and you...just...go to sleep. I'm going to sleep."

She rushed out of the room quickly to take a shower to think. Veronica still was not sure whether Jughead was being serious or messing with her. But even if he was being serious, nothing would change. She had a boyfriend she adored and Jughead was just a friend to her.

"Well, congratulations, Hobo. You ruined everything," Cheryl mockingly raised her glass to toast his failure.

"Shut it, Red!" Jughead tried to push her glass down, but the alcohol in his body had trouble identifying the exact location of the glass and his hand slapped the floor instead. "I'm going to talk to her."

"No you're not," Cheryl yanked him back down as he stumbled to leave. "Have you not messed up enough?"

"What the hell, let go of me!" Jughead flung her hand away and clambered up the stairs.

"V! I'm here, let me talk to you," he knocked on her locked door.

There was a shuffle on the other side of the room before a guarded reply came. "We'll talk in the morning. Goodnight."

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