[7] House of Myths

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The searing pain Camilla had felt in the dream was still there when she woke up the next day. The moment she woke up she glanced down at her wrist and her eyes widened. Where the spirit had grabbed her Camilla now had an Anubis jackal head tattoo on her wrist. She had been branded by a bloody spirit, twice in a week she had been forced to have a tattoo she didn't want – though the feather of Ma'at/Thoth tattoo behind her ear was subtle, more of a brand a white outline of a feather there than an actual tattoo, but it was small and if you didn't know it was there you wouldn't know – this one was black and blunt and totally not something she would have chosen!

Nina didn't seem to wake up in the same pain, in fact, the girl was still fast asleep when Camilla glanced over at the camp bed. Camilla needed to talk to her and now, she was branded and the words of the spirit were ringing through her head, 'Two lives were now on the line,' that meant Camilla had just signed herself up for death. Fun.

Throwing anything she could reach at Nina – not wanting to leave the cocoon cosiness of her bed just yet – it took three teddy bears and an actual pillow in the American's direction before she groaned and woke up, sitting up and looking to Camilla groggily. Camilla lifted her wrist to show Nina the symbol that now was emblazed there, causing Nina's hand to go to her shoulder where the spirit had touched her. Holding their breath's, the two girls watched as Nina lifted up her PJ top's sleeve to reveal the same identical mark as Camilla's. Nina rubbing away furiously at it as if it was some stick-on tattoo but both of them knew it was more. Things were getting very Sibunay around here and too quickly for Camilla's liking.


Nina made Camilla swear not to say anything to Fabian about the mark, not until she could talk to him about the dream. Camilla wasn't happy about that but as long as Nina told Fabian she'd keep quiet for now. Trying to hide her new tattoo, however, was the issue; she tried make-up but it wouldn't work so she had to resort to a few scrunchies of Ambers because she refused to walk around with a million bracelets on her wrists. Fabian found the whole thing weird of course but didn't say anything to his sister through breakfast. Camilla finally saw Fabiana in the hallways of school and meandered over to them, hearing the end of Nina's sentence.

"She was taunting us and..." Nina trailed off as Camilla came up beside her.

"She bloody branded us!" Camilla hissed too her brother, pushing the scrunchies up to show him the mark as Nina sighed and lifted her sleeve again to show him her mark too.

Fabian grabbed his sister's wrist to examine the mark closer, "What is that?" he asked the two girls.

"she said to ask the one who knows," Nina explained.

Though Camilla looked around as she heard footsteps seeing Victor at the end of the hallway, who of course made a beeline towards them – he always suspected them of being up to something. The man, however, paused as he took in the Marks on Camilla and Nina's arms and Camilla saw his eyes widen in worry before he glanced at her. Whatever the marks where they weren't a good sign. Of course, she couldn't ask Victor what they meant then and there, they both had character's they had to play in school so she wasn't surprised as his face fell back into his disapproving look.

"What is that on your arm, please?" he asked the girls, looking more to Nina who had pulled down her sleeve. Camilla knowing full well the man had seen what she had on her wrist. "roll up your sleeve," he demanded of the American girl.

Nina glanced to Camilla and Fabian before she rolled her sleeve up to show him the mark, stuttering something about it could be washed off or something, Camilla wasn't sure she was watching Victor who looked horrified, and then as he glanced to Camilla a look of worry appeared on his face again. He defiantly knew what the tattoo meant and from his expression and the words of the spirit, Camilla knew it wasn't a good thing.

Unsteady; House of Anubis *B2*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt