[82] House of Memory

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Alfie knew when the Sibuna's found out what he was doing he'd be in hot water but right now he didn't care. He could deal with the consequences easily. Patricia would just be mad and maybe pour juice over him before getting over it, Fabian was already too busy worrying about his sister to really car and Amber... he knew he could pass it off as him trying to get Jamilla together if she really got mad with him.

Jerome was on his bed reading when Alfie entered their room, Alfie giving him a small smile as he put his bag onto his bed before turning to face Jerome, "I've been meaning to tell you something."

"You say that as if you're remotely capable of keeping secrets from me." Jerome spoke lowering the book and sitting up to look at Alfie, "But go on - surprise me."

Jerome's tone was cheerful which contrasted with a serious look on Alfie's face.

"it's about Camilla..." Alfie started.

Jerome instantly got to his feet pointing his finger at Alfie, "I knew there was something more about Camilla's disappearance. She's not with Jasper dealing with some family thing is she?"

Alfie rubbed a hand along his jaw nervously as he tried to think about how he was going to break the news to the boy, "no... she's not with Jasper."

"then, where is she?" Jerome demanded, "Is she okay?"

"Where she is... is a long story, but she is okay for now." Alfie told him causing Jerome to look at him to continue. "you know how we told you about the tunnels and the tasks?"

"To find the Mask of Anubis..." Jerome nodded his head sounding confused clearly trying to figure out what that had to do with Camilla's disappearance.

"Well... we're at the last task, and it's some weird Egyptian board game that only Frobisher-Smyth knew," Alfie explained slowly.


"The consequences of failing to safely cross the board is it takes a player... Camilla swapped places with Nina and was taken by the game..." Alfie whispered to the boy watching his reaction. "she's somewhere under the school and the only way we can get her back is winning the game..."

Jerome's knees gave way and he was glad he had his bed to catch his fall as he took in the boy's words. Camilla had done something stupidly Camilla and sacrificed herself for Nina and was now trapped.

"The Sibuna's are keeping it all hush but I felt you needed to know because, you know, you and Cam..." Alfie trailed off as Jerome looked up at him.

"what about me and Cam?" Jerome asked his voice barely a whisper.

Alfie's eyes widened in shock, the boy really didn't know or at least didn't want to say it out loud. "dude, its obvious to anyone with eyes... you may have some silly crush on Mara but your clearly in love with our Camilla."

There was a beat of silence that fell as the words rang out around them. The words Jerome hadn't realised the extent off until they were said out loud for the universe to hear.

They both turned as they heard the front door slam shut.

"I can't believe you told Joy!" Amber shriek was loud enough that anyone in the house could hear it. So much for a Sibuna Secret.

"I should..." Alfie pointed to the door.

Jerome simply nodded his head, his face full of thought as he mulled over the words his friend had told him. Camilla was missing but they were fighting to get her back along with Nina, and Alfie finally had told him the truth of what their housemates saw. Jerome just had to somehow compute it.

Unsteady; House of Anubis *B2*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang