[47] House of Sorry

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"Mara Jaffrey, you are expelled!" the words of Mr Sweet had everyone in shock including the girl herself who didn't seem to fully compute the words until Joy, Patricia and Trudy were by her side comforting her. The rest of the student body shouting their anger at Mr Sweet.

Camilla however only had one thing to say, and only Eddie was close enough to her as she leaned her head against the wall with a sigh, "Fabian was right, this is terrible."

Vera was on her feet and talking with Victor, giving Camilla enough time to send the pair a dirty look as she watched the chaos the woman had left in her wake.

Mrs Andrews rushed across the room to Mara and even on top of the chaos Camilla could hear her say, "Mara please don't worry, I'm sure there is more to this than meets the eye. I'm going to have a word with Mr Sweet now." And with that, the teacher rushed past Camilla and down the hall to Mr Sweet's office.

Camilla was all for following the teacher before movement from Jerome stopped her, she felt Eddie beside her stand straighter as she stopped to watch Jerome move over to Mara with a worried look on his face. Camilla knew she had no right for the jealous green monster to appear as Mara was upset and she was his friend but part of her just didn't like the fact he rushed to the girl's side to comfort her.

"Cam..." Eddie mumbled but Camilla shook her head before letting out a sigh as she focused her attention on what was important. Which was getting Mara back into the school. Even if she didn't like the girl Mara didn't deserve to be expelled. She would then deal with Victor and his comment after.


Students parted like the red sea as an angry Camilla stormed towards the girl's bathroom, wanting to listen in to the conversation happening in Mr Sweet's office. The girl not even reacting as Alfie pulled a ping pong table by her shouting at younger students to move as he had a team to train.

Thankfully the bathroom was empty and she magicked the fake tile off the wall rather forcefully with nothing more than a flick of her finger, the word 'Motus' crossing her mind as she did.

The scene in Mr Sweet's office was one Camilla was almost glad to witness, Mrs Andrews was not taking any shit from Mr Sweet and the student knew that the woman wouldn't leave the office until Mara had her position at the school back so Camilla didn't need to focus on that part of her to-do list. Just Victor's comment which clearly didn't help and Eddie. For the longest time, she had hoped she wouldn't have to reveal to Eddie that the twins knew the secret he was hiding but he had gone too far, and it was time he learned the truth behind the scholarship that brought him to Amun Academy in hopes it humbled him just a little. If not humble him maybe scare him a little. One of the two.

"Eric," Mrs Andrews shouted at the man who was looking out his window, "A word please."

"If you are here to talk about Mara Jeffree, my mind has been made up." Mr Sweet angrily retorted.

"Expelling her is not the answer!"

"then what do you suggest?!" Mr Sweet demanded turning around to look at the woman in the room with him.

Mrs Andrews paused before she spoke, "I suggest you accept my resignation instead." If Camilla hadn't been spying on the two she'd have gasped at the teacher's words. Yes, Mrs Andrews was part of the secret society, but at the end of the day she had always chosen their well being over the society, Camilla didn't want to see the teacher go. "I told her to write that article," Mrs Andrews explained as Mr Sweet looked at the woman in shock, any anger leaving his face, "and to be honest I'd do it all again!"

Unsteady; House of Anubis *B2*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt