[59] House of Zodiacs

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Getting Mr Sweet was worthless as by the time the three got back to the open cabinet the gem was suddenly inside it, causing Mr Sweet to dismiss the pair's words, before disciplining them both for dripping water all over his school hallways. As they were dragged away Jerome vowed to find out who stole the gem, knowing with a glance at the small girl who grabbed his hand comfortingly she would help him do so.


Fabian grabbed his sister the moment she walked in through the front door consoling Jerome, promising the boy she would help him out in finding the gem thief all he had to do was ask.

Of course the question of why the girl was wet – Fabian could tell at one point she had been soaked through from the fact she was wearing Jerome's jumper, the eyeliner and mascara that had smudged under her eyes to give her a slight panda look and her hair which was normally in natural curls thanks to Amber's well-taught lessons on how to get the look was going slightly frizzy and more wavey like it did whenever she left it to dry naturally.  Fabian knew from one look in his sisters eye the why that was on his lips was not important to ask.

Jerome allowed Camilla to be dragged off with a small smile on his face, thoughts of the gem racing through his mind. He really didn't want to get Camilla involved because clearly Jasper had something to do with what had happened. The last thing he needed to do was add more tension to the Rutter family because if Camilla and her uncle fell out, he knew Fabian would follow his sisters lead no questions asked and block his uncle and godfather from his life. No, he needed to do this alone. He needed to do it to protect Camilla and to help his dad out. If he was desperate, he'd go to the girl.

Amber was not as subtle as Fabian and was more than happy to discipline Camilla on what had happened to her hair and make up the entire way to the task chamber.

Camilla wasn't the only one who was silently thankful when the blonde Goddess fell silent as they entered the room, Amber knowing she needed to focus as they were on a Sibuna mission now.

"Okay," Nina spoke up from next to the hand where the light beam glowed down upon from the globe above, "ready?" she asked looking around at them all as she held up the reflector from Sarah's jewellery box. Once she had nods from all the Sibuna's the American girl carefully placed the glass into the hand, all of them gasping slightly as they saw the light beam bend around Nina to the next hand.

"Woah..." Patricia spoke up before she could stop herself. Magic could do some pretty crazy things and every time she forgot about it either Camilla or Robert went out their way to re-remind the girl she lived in a world where magic existed.

"Okay, one down, six to go," Nina told them all with a nervous sounding laugh, clearly the thought of finding six more reflectors with nothing to go off on how was not a thought she wanted to think about.

Camilla pushed off the wall she had leant on by the entrance and slowly walked her way over to the zodiac Victor had noted down that morning, looking over it to try to figure out what it meant and why it was so important. As she moved around the room Fabian spoke up, "wait so once we get all the reflectors on all the staffs... it will bounce the light and make the constellation shape and open the door?" Fabian summarised what Victor had already figured out, getting a nod from Nina and his sister who was stood behind her though her back was to the room.

"Simple," Patricia sarcastically spoke up.

"Eh, not so much." Nina replied having missed the sarcasm in the girl's voice, "we have no idea what the reflectors are." Nina explained to Amber and Patricia who had missed the first clue hunting mission around the room. "it's like finding a needle in a haystack..."

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