Search for Energon

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In far-off reaches of space, not too far from the Solar system, there was a lone vessel of unknown origins. It was no human vessel, and very few gem vessel still actually came to this system anymore. Even after recent events, there were still only a select few that had ever come back to this small stretch of the galaxy.

While it was not something either side was aware of, the same could be said about the crew of this rather oversized vessel. While it may not have been the first time that this group of aliens had been to the reaches of this galaxy, it was the first time they had been here under circumstances that were even close to cooperative.

"Soundwave, are you absolutely sure that these readings are still good? I mean, Shockwave must have gotten these millions of cycles ago." A large, white metallic being asked. The robot in question went by the name of Jazz and was one of the select few that were sent on this mission. In addition to him and the one he was speaking to, there were several others along for the ride.

Their mission was simple in theory but very difficult in execution. This small, ragtag team was sent to find more energy for their home planet. Or at the very least, find something that could be converted into what they needed. Energon was hard to find and even harder to manufacture from raw energy. The purer source they found, the easier it would be to convert.

Currently, they were hot on the trail of some old reports that were taken during the time of their war. It may have been an incredibly long time since the readings were last taken, but they were getting desperate at this point, and it was truly showing.

"Autobot concerns are unwarranted." Soundwave answered in his synthesized voice, "Readings indicate that from the volatile nature of the planet's surface, any life forms would be incapable of long-term survival. Even if there was stabilization of the atmosphere, the chances of any organism surviving, native or otherwise, is roughly 2.37 percent."

"2.39 percent, actually." Another bot answered, an accent in his voice. "Although I do believe Shockwave's reading to still hold some semblance of accuracy, we still must account for not only time but also the heavy chance for cataclysm in this part of the galaxy. While I do enjoy fellow intelligent company, Shockwave does have a tendency to not double check his work."

"Yeah, that's why he only has one arm now." another Autobot spoke up, this one slightly smaller and red, two horn adorning his head, "Are you saying that you actually like being around that mad scientist Perceptor?"

"Not as casual company, Cliffjumper." Perceptor told him, "More so because it is nice to have someone who can keep up with and understand all the things that I create and devise."

"You saying something about us there, Perceptor?" Jazz asked accusingly.

"Wouldn't surprise me. Most of you Autobots shine about as bright as a three-watt bulb." One of the other Decepticons chimed in. He was not alone, behind him were the four closest of his comrades.

"You're hardly one to be talking, Swindle." Cliffjumper interjected, "You're a con in every sense of the word. Weren't you the one that was trying to sell tainted energon without knowing what you had?"

"Yeah, but I'm not the one who was using it. That honor of stupidity goes to you and the rest of the Auto-trash." Swindle rebutted.

"Maybe, but, if memory serves, one of your Decepti-creep friends was kind enough to take it back to your boss." Jazz added, looking over at one of the larger members of the group. "Tell me Brawl, how'd Megatron react when he found out all that stuff was useless?"

"Unless you're looking to get deactivated, I suggest you keep your questions to yourself." Brawl answered, his tone showing clear anger, "This may be a joint op, but that doesn't mean that accidents don't happen."

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