First Encounter

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For the citizens of Beach City, out of the ordinary occurrences were something that happened so often that they were almost on the level of being mundane. They had been through everything from incoming invasions all the way to being completely destroyed by incoming masses from space.

So, when a strange looking metal bird came flying into their town, it was not that big of a deal to most of them. Yes, it certainly caused many to look up and acknowledge the creature, especially with it spouting off strange gibberish while it flew, but there was almost nothing else to it after that. Everyone simply went on with on with their business as if nothing ever happened.

To say that they were desensitized was something of an understatement.

It didn't take Squawktalk long before he had enough information to accurately calculate the words and language of this planet. It was what the Minicon was best at, and he always worked efficiently. Yet his constant noise was one of the main reasons that Soundwave never took him out. The more important one was the fact that they rarely if ever needed to learn new languages.

Once everything was done, Squawktalk immediately started making his way back to the shuttle, spouting off new phrases that he heard. While it took him a bit of time to get back, there weren't that many who were anticipating his arrival. Whether it was the cons or the bots, neither side wanted to hear that unending talking.

When the minicon got back to his master, Soundwave was quick to start with the upload of the language to the ship's main console. As it was all being uploaded, Perceptor looked over everything that was being shown on screen.

"This is very strange," Perceptor said, looking at the images that had been taken by Soundwave's microbot. "The translations are in without issue, but there is something rather disconcerting about the beings I'm seeing here. From Shockwave's old reports, the beings that used to inhabit this planet were far larger than this."

"Well we've already had two things happen that contradict old reports, why not keep adding to the pile?" Cliffjumper said, "Really, he thought that nothing would change in all that time? Maybe Shockwave doesn't think as logically as he wants everyone to think."

"The dominant species of this planet is of little to no concern." Soundwave spoke up, "Establishment of long range communication is essential in order to receive further guidance."

"Soundwave's got a point." Jazz said, "Whatever species it is that has this planet now isn't really that important. While it's good that we at least know how these things communicate, it would be best if keep our distance. You know how Optimus is with involving species that don't need to know about us."

"While our reasons may be different, I do agree that we should keep a low profile." Onslaught said, "Comms are what's important right now, but we need to check out these points to check for a sign of this new energy first. Once that's confirmed or proven to be nothing, then we call back to Cybertron."

"Well then, let's get down to it." Hot Rod said, "After everyone gets uploaded with Soundwave's data, we'll divide up into two teams and hit each point separately. Cliff, Jazz and myself will hit the point right here on this peninsula while you and-"

"Hold on there. Since when do you give us orders?" Swindle inquired.

"I'll handle this, Swindle." Onslaught said, cutting his teammate off, "Last I checked, we both took orders from our own. So excuse me when I ask, but what gives you the authority to start passing out orders to us?"

"It's simply based off of what's around each of these points." Hot Rod said, "While the first one is larger than the other, it's also right next to a built-up area. No offense, but you and your cons aren't exactly known for subtlety."

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