Stow Away

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Once the new visitors of the planet had finished speaking with their leaders on how things would be working, the majority of them wished to get back to their home planet as quickly as possible. However, there were some that wished to stay a bit longer to learn about the planet. One of which was the scientist, Perceptor.

After learning that more would be coming back to this planet to help with the study that Optimus proposed, he volunteered to stay behind with Cliffjumper. However, this was shot down by both Optimus and Megatron. Optimus for the fact that Perceptor would need to report back to Cybertron and give his findings to them, and Megatron for the fact that he had no intention of having one of his Decepticons outnumbered by Autobots.

Even if Optimus tried to reason with him, Perceptor knew that there was no arguing with the Decepticon leader. However, that didn't mean that he wouldn't make the appeal again when he got back to Cybertron. This planet was a veritable gold mine of information and strange things, and he would not miss out on it.

"Your kind is so strangely unique." Perceptor said to Peridot, managing to get some information after a short while of talking to her, "Most other beings that we have seen in our travels of the cosmos have typically been that of a singular form. How is it possible that your kind is able to shift mass and change your outer appearance without any outside aid?"

Peridot was more than happy to talk to the fellow scientist. While it was nice to have an intelligent conversation, the bigger reason was that she needed to keep both him and the other bots distracted from what was happening with the others.

Unbeknownst to any of the Cybertronians, Steven and the Gems had seen the whole conversation that they had with their leaders. Knowing that they would not only be staying here, but also bringing more back. Something that did not instill much confidence in any of them.

Yes, a hand full of them had proven to pretty be friendly, but there was still the matter of what happened with the ones that were hostile towards them. If this was just a small group of them, then who knew what was going to happen if even more showed up.

Inside of the beach house, the four were busy discussing things, trying to figure out just what they should do.

"We can't just let them leave." Pearl said, "I mean, as much as I would want them to just go, you heard what they said over that call. There are going to be more coming here, and we don't know anything about them other than what little information they gave us."

"No duh, Pearl. We all heard the same thing." Amethyst said, "But I'd be lying if I said you didn't have a point. Sure, Steven met a few good ones, but the ones we ran into were anything but friendly. I don't want them constantly hovering over us, even if they mean well."

"Somehow, I don't think that they're going to listen to us." Garnet said, "No matter how many times that I've tried to run through this in my head, I can't see any possible scenario that doesn't involve them not coming back."

"Well, maybe we're looking at this the wrong way, guys." Steven said, "I mean, I know we just met them and some of them are far less than what you would call... uh... nice, but the ones that I met are ones that I think we can trust. Hot Rod and the Autobots are really here to make sure nothing bad happens. They saved you three, didn't they?"

"Even if that is the case, Steven, we have bigger things to worry about." Pearl went on, "If they come back with more here, who's to stop them from trying to take over the planet? We were barely able to hold them off in our normal forms. Even when we were all fused, we could only just barely hold them back. If all of them can fuse like us, they will roll us over if they want to."

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