Chapter 4

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The song starts at 1:27 :)

"You do realize you hear a voice inside your head, right?"

"They don't need to know that!" I snapped at her.

"Ha, ha. Very funny Amara." Edweird snarled lunging again.

"DAD! That's enough, leave her alone!" Renesmee cried kneeling down near a trembling body, she hugged my body close to her. 

"Edward," Aro suddenly interrupted " this behavior is unacceptable towards another vampire, let alone your daughter!"

"That thing is not my daughter!" he growled, causing my blue eyes to roll.

"Well what about when she is fully grown and is wishing to leave your coven? Would you care in the slightest?"

"Not a bit."

Aro let out a small hum in satisfaction. He slowly walked towards me, his brothers trailing behind him like dogs on a short leash. Renesmee slowly scooted away in fear, leaving me to look at their dark forms from my place on the floor. It would have been intimidating if Edward hadn't numbed my emotions with his harsh words.

"Stand, dear one." 

I did as I was told, one of the main things I learned living with the Cullens is to listen when someone tells you to do something.

"How often have you been able to exercise your gift?"

"It's rare, I need to use it at least once every two weeks or I loose control of it..."

"Your control must be impeccable, some of my guards must use their gift daily to maintain control over it." Aro hums.

"The question is, just how powerful would you be if you were trained? Not only with your gift, but with hand to hand combat as well?" Caius added with a knowing smirk.

"Would you like to be a member of the Volturi, Amara?" Aro suddenly asked, "We haven't even seen the full extent of your gift and it is already decided that you will be in the same position as Alec and Jane, should you accept our offer."

My thoughts mushed together in a war between two sides. Should I join the Volturi and risk being used as their tool? Or should I stay in the Olympic coven and continue being treated like Renesmee's shadow?

"No!" an angry brunette growled, "There is no way I'm letting you take my sister! She can't and won't become a Volturi member."

I rolled my eyes and looked at the ground again, feeling all my hope go down the drain.

"Silence, girl!" Caius snapped making my eyes dart back to him, "No one asked you, we asked Amara."

Every eye in the room was then directed to me again.

"What do you want?"

"I-I want to be myself... " I rose to my feet slowly turning to the rest of the Cullen's as I spoke becoming more powerful with every word, "I want to be accepted for who I am and to not be treated badly because of my gift. I don't want to hide my powers in my own home and I don't want to be seen as Renesmee's twin my whole life!"

"We can help you not only fit in with your gift, but we can help you thrive with it." Caius once again smirked.

"Amara, please don't do this..." Renesmee begged.

"I'm sorry, Nesme" I shakily whispered. 

"I'll join the Volturi." I said while looking into the eyes of my new 'Masters'.

"No!" Renesmee sobbed, "Please don't leave me, MarMar!"

I turned my head the other direction, as she started crying harder. I noticed tears beginning to gather in Alice's and Bella's eyes while everyone else seemed disappointed. Maybe this wasn't a good ide-

"Good choice." Markus said nonchalantly, "Perhaps you and Alec will be able to rekindle your relationship."

"I don't know if that's possible, M-master." The words felt foreign on my tongue.

"I don't believe we can either, it was a mistake to associate myself with you in the first place."

My heart clenched, while my breath silently hitched. A sudden rush of anger flows through my veins and I felt the sudden need to retaliate.

"I don't know why your so salty, you left me."

"Enough, be professional. You are both representing the Volturi now." Jane scolds.

"When we arrive in Volterra you will be provided with everything you will need, although if you would like we can still take some of your things along as well." Aro states calmly ignoring the glaring contest between Alec and I. "And Amara, we leave at dawn."


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