Chapter 5

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Amara's P.O.V

This place... I spent a third of my life here. The Cullen's are the only family I've ever known. And I don't know anything about the Volturi except that they do whatever they want, without caring who they hurt. Carlisle says that they eat humans, lure them into the Volturi castle, and drain them of blood until there is nothing left to drink. Alice says they find reasons to attack and kill covens just for power, more specifically, over someones gift. I've only gotten to know two Volturi members. At first Jane seemed scary and mean but it turns out she's a really nice person to have in your life. And Alec, well I don't really want to think about him...

Honestly, I don't even know if I can trust the things the Cullen's have told me about my new coven. The Cullen's and the Volturi are rivals, but no one ever told me why... It's such a mystery to me. If I ever asked everyone would tell me that I would just need to stay ignorant as long as I stay under their roof.

But, honestly, this place is not a true home... I've never been cared about like Renesmee has. No one has ever tucked me in for bed, or made me 'Birthday Breakfast'. If Renesmee ever started crying then it was instantly blamed on me because I'm 'evil'.

"Knock, knock," My twin whimpers from the doorway, "You're really leaving then?"

Softly, I bit my lip and turned my head to the wall, "Yeah Ness, I am..."

Sniffles. "You don't have to leave you know..."        

"Ness... You know I can't stay here, I won't keep being treated this way and honestly it's selfish for you to ask."

"I know..." She softly sobbed. "I-I was just hoping you might change your mind..."

"I don't really know what you expect me to say? After everything that has happened to me in this family, there is no way I can keep staying here."

"Don't act like the Volturi are innocent! They lied to you. And as soon as things started getting hard Alec left you!"

"That's different."

"Wow, okay. Don't come crying to me when he leaves you again." She growled spitefully. "And just a quick question, if they hadn't seen your little display of power, do you seriously think they would give you a second thought?"

"I think you should go now."  I hurtfully whisper.

Her face softens. "Wait, Mara, I'm sorry okay?"

"Just go."

"Okay I'll go... Just please be careful with showing them all of your gift okay? I just don't want you to get hurt. I love you, Mar-Mar." Slowly, her footsteps fade away and more negative thoughts creep through my mind.

"Why not let me out?"  A dark voice questions simply.

"You will hurt people... You will make me hurt people."

"And?" She asks, "They deserve it."

"I don't want to hurt people!"

"I Don't care! Let me out."


"Let me out! LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT!"  With each demand her voice is louder and much more powerful.

My ears begin to ring, the room starting to spin harshly. I'm quickly fighting the darkness that is seeping into my vision and a small whimper of pain escapes my lips. My body crashes against the wall before I slowly slide down it, beginning to lose my fight against the darkness.

"Hey." There is a soft pitter of footsteps turning into my doorway. As soon as she makes eye contact with me she rushes over. "Are you alright?"

"Look at me! Breathe, Amara, just breathe."

If anything, this only makes it worse. I hyperventilate more and only seem to get more and more panicked, what if she takes over? 

"Alec!" Jane screams.

She can't control me. She can't take over. If she does who even knows what will happen?

Sparks suddenly erupt throughout my body, relaxing me a little bit. Worried thoughts suddenly slow down and my mind isn't racing as much as it was a few seconds ago.

"Shh, shh, II mio amore, you're okay. I'm here. Just calm down." 

My breathing evens more and more because of my cheek resting against Alec's chest. It's amazing how quickly he calmed me down... Even if we hate each other, we are still mates at the end of the day. My sight returns to normal and I let out one more sigh. I quickly glance around the room, realizing that Jane must have left after she called Alec. I then look up at Alec, a silent thanks in my eyes as I make eye contact with him, after my head collapses against his chest again.

"Thank you, Alec. Thank you for helping me, you didn't have to."

"Of course I did." Alec whispered affectionately before his voice hardened, "Uh, I mean... Of course I did, I feel whatever you feel."

Pain roars through my heart and I pull away from him. "Well thanks for the help. You can leave now."

"Just so you know, you shouldn't have joined the Volturi. We'll destroy the goodness in you."

"Who says I'm still a good girl?"

"You've always tried to be a goody two shoes Amara. That doesn't just change overnight."

"You'd be surprised how quickly people can change."


Make sure to,




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