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         "Sage, stop complaining." 

        "No. I'm not going to stop complaining. I'm going to continue to complain until Coach realizes just how annoying my complaining is and decides not to make me do it because I complain so much." 


        The blonde glared over at the taller brunette boy to her right. For a good twenty minutes, Stiles and Sage have been bickering about the obstacle that was facing them. A rock climbing wall was positioned in the middle of the gym, taunting Sage. She wasn't the most enthusiastic person when it came to things like this, especially since she wasn't the most fond of heights. Werewolves, she could deal with. Hunters, she was perfectly fine handling. Heights? Yeah, no. She'd rather take her chances with Peter again. 

        "So, you," Stiles pointed a finger at her. "Sage Connelly, the girl that continues to throw herself into life threatening situations just for the hell of it, are afraid of heights. A rock wall, to be exact." 

        "Stiles, I swear to god, I will bite your finger off and not think twice about it." 

        Stiles scowled, retracting his finger away from Sage's face. Allison and Scott were just prepping up to go on the rock wall, and Sage was supposed to be going after with Matt. She wasn't the most excited about her choice of partner, seeing as Allison and Scott got paired together but she wasn't paired with Stiles. After the whole deal at the police station with Isaac and the not-so-real deputy, Stiles and Sage gravitated towards each other. She knew it had to do with her struggling in the hunter's arms, she just didn't think it would affect Stiles the way it did. She was also feeling restless avoiding the tension that was obvious between the two. 

        After the night of the formal, the atmosphere between them changed. It was like all of those kisses were erased, the fight they had just became nonexistent, and they were just the friends they had been in fifth grade; her threatening Stiles, and him barking back at her when he had the courage. Things were good. Allison and Scott were going strong, apart from the constant fear of her grandfather, Gerard, slicing him in half, as well as her father. Lydia seemed to be getting better from her hike in the woods. Sage noticed that she wasn't the happiest, and had a feeling 'Jackass' Jackson was involved. He's been AWOL lately, barely taking the time out of his day to even associate with her. Apparently the whole bite thing is under control  because when she sees him in class he doesn't seem to be crawling on the floor with blood coming through every part of his body. 

        As for Derek, the two were clearly still drifting apart, and it sucked. Sage missed the conversations the two would have late at night, or, better defined, their arguments late at night. Some part of her needed him present in her life forever because he was the constant reminder of her past, their past, and all that they had been through in the past six and a half years. He was the only one who understood fully why she had such intense trust issues, and no matter how much they fought, or lost their way from each other, he was still her best friend. Even when he turns into a grumpy asshole. 

        "Connelly, Daehler,  you two are up," Coach boomed, getting up from crouching next to Scott, who seemed to have fallen in the time that Sage and Stiles were talking. Sage's whole body froze, and she stared at Stiles with wide eyes. He grabbed a hold of her arm, giving it a small squeeze. 

        "Hey, you'll be fine. Just think about how much you want to beat Matt," Stiles assured. Sage took a deep breath before turning around, coming face to face with her partner himself, who was wearing a huge grin. It seemed like he knew exactly how to push a person's into thinking he was some stalker. 

Sage ▸ Stiles Stilinski [Book One]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang