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        Sage kept her head down as she walked into the library for detention. Everyone filed in at the same time, all going to the first seat they saw. While Scott and Stiles moved towards the table in the center, she flanked behind with Allison and directed her body over to a table opposite of her boyfriend, Scott, and Erica. There's no way she's going to voluntarily sit next to wanna-be blondie. So while Jackson, Matt, and Allison took one table, Sage took another. She still refused to make contact with Stiles, for the very reason that he would ask question about what happened, and she wanted to just forget. If that meant sitting alone, she was fine with it.

        "Uh, we can't be in detention together. I have a restraining order against those tools," Jackson told Harris, pointing towards Scott's table as he took his seat. Sage huffed, throwing herself into the seat, catching Stiles' eye on the process. 

        "All of these tools?" Harris questioned, raising his eyebrows at the student. Sage was pretty sure the only thing worse than being in a room with Jackson after what he did, technically, was being in a room with Harris. He had to be one of the worst people she had ever met in her life, and she has met many bad people in her lifetime. He still manages to reach the top of the leader board. 

        Jackson shook his head, and Stiles motioned between himself and Scott. "No, just us tools." 

        "Fine, you two, over there." 

        To Sage's dismay, Harris just so happened to be pointing towards the table she was sitting at. Of course it had to be her table, why would Harris be nice enough to sit the two boys at the other three tables in the library? She frowned and threw her backpack off the table to give them more room, sending a couple thousand words of profanity towards Harris when her boyfriend pulled up a seat beside her and Scott sat across from her. She shifted when she felt Stiles lean closer to her, guilt bubbling up in her stomach. He didn't do anything wrong and she was acting cold just because Jackson spat a few insults her way. 

        "I'm going to kill him," Scott said immediately once sitting down.

        Stiles shrugged in reply, glancing over towards Sage. "I'll help." 

        "Neither of you are killing him," Sage replied, looking up from her nails to stare in between them. They both turned to her, baffled expressions on their faces. "You're going to find out who's controlling him, and then you're going to help save him." 

        "No, Scott's right, let's kill him," Stiles declined, his fists clenching up as he looked back towards Jackson. While Sage had changed out of her wet clothes, thanks to Lydia and Allison who both managed to have an article of clothing, Scott informed Stiles on what he had seen and heard while going into the locker room. Aside from hearing Sage's increased heart beat, he also heard a few of the words exchanged between Jackson and Sage, most of them including a series of cuss words. The triggering part was when he walked in to see Jackson completely naked and Sage, a girl that was like a sister to him, crying in a corner. Assumptions were bound to create. 

        "You're not killing him, Stiles," Sage protested, turning to look at her boyfriend. "Okay? Jackson didn't know what he was doing, he was literally being controlled to say and do everything in that locker room. Both of you need to drop it. I'm perfectly fine, I'm not hurt. All of the wounds that were created between you and Jackson healed. So please, just drop it."

        It was quiet for a few minutes, Harris going over to the desk in the library while everyone found something to occupy their time. Jackson played around with a lacrosse ball, Allison messed with her nails, Erica had started to draw in her notebook, Matt was staring intently at his tablet, and Scott, Sage, and Stiles were just staring at each other. None of them had said anything after Sage hissed for them to drop the subject. Of course, until Stiles started to have a bad feeling about Matt. 

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