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        Sage realized how much she hated school when she had to go back. Thankfully, she was able to skip yesterday, staying in bed and contemplating how much her life sucked, but now she was back. After Wednesday night when she got a concussion and a few bruises, she practically spent every single waking moment with Stiles. Not that she minded, but Stiles was adamant on keeping her everywhere after he complained about how terrible it felt to feel completely useless when she was hurt. He told her he wasn't being crazy, and she would understand one day when something happened to him. She told him not to joke about things like that because the idea of Stiles being hurt scared the hell out of her. 

        "Please tell me you're kidding." Stiles and Scott stared back at her when they were at a stop sign. She had finally decided to tell them that she might have accidentally agreed to going out with potential murderer Matt. Stiles was more annoyed that she used the word accidentally than the fact that she was actually going out with him. Meanwhile, Scott was practically jumping in his seat. She knew he spent all night trying to get tickets after following Jackson to one of the places selling, picking up that Jackson was going to be attending the rave. 

        "I was more worried about getting to Jackson like you guys wanted, than paying attention to some guy blabbering on about a rave. So I'm sorry that my worry for my friend got in the way of my ability to think," Sage told Stiles. It was always crazy to see how bipolar their relationship was. One second they were making out in the back of his jeep, and another minute they were fighting over who was right and wrong. 

        "You know, it's a good thing, Stiles," Scott agreed, nodding his head. "I mean, if Sage goes with Matt then she, not only, has a free ticket in but she can make sure Matt doesn't do anything since you're worried about him being the Kanima's controller."

        Stiles grumbled, pulling into a parking spot. "Doesn't mean I like the idea." 

        "You hate all of our ideas," She retorted, leaning in her seat to press a kiss on his cheek. Then she turned to Scott, and frowned at him. "So you didn't find any at all last night?" 

        "No, but there's got to be some other way to get tickets, right?" Scott asked, hopping out of the car. Stiles got out as well, sticking a hand out so that Sage had something to hold on to while she climbed over. This was actually one of the arguments Scott and her had, saying that since she was the one that didn't heal and still had traces of a concussion, she should be sitting in the front. But no such thing happened, and she was put in the back. She stumbled on the way out, crashing into Stiles' chest. He grinned down at her, and she rolled her eyes before sticking a hand up and shoving his face away with her palm. 

        "It's a secret show, there's only one way and it's secret," Stiles replied, his hand lacing in Sage's as they walked to school. Sage snickered, feeling bad that Scott was having no such luck finding tickets. She would gladly give him her's considering the last thing she wanted to do was go to a stupid rave in minimal amount of clothing and her date not be her boyfriend. The whole night just sounded like a bust. 

        "Hey!" All three teenagers turned around to see Matt jogging towards them. Sage groaned under her breath but shined a fake smile in the boy's direction while Stiles just glared. "Do any of you know why no one is getting suspended after what happened the other day at school?" 

        "Forget about it, nobody got hurt," Stiles retorted, in which Sage's elbow came out and hit him in the ribs to remind him that he was the one lugging her body around for a solid hour. He flinched but adjusted his backpack strap with his one free hand so it didn't look too obvious to Matt. 

Sage ▸ Stiles Stilinski [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now