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        Sage's knee refused to stop moving as she waited outside. Stiles and Scott were just brought in by the Sheriff, Melissa having shown up about five minutes after they did. When the Sheriff asked Sage to stay outside of the room, she realized that the restraining order was only being put up against Stiles and Scott. This also meant that she couldn't be in the room to hear all of the details, and that Jackson obviously didn't bother to mention she was involved despite it already being completely obvious. The teenager had already been taken into another section of the station by a deputy while his father stayed to settle the papers. She was a nervous wreck, whether it was pulling her hair in and out of it's bun or tapping her fingernails on the side of the wooden chair. Directly before she was thrown out and the boys were thrown in, they called Allison after the brunette explained that the word Morrell told them had been wrong; a Kanima doesn't seek a friend, it seeks a master. 

        Sage had also felt a thump form in her throat when Sheriff asked to call her guardian. She hadn't been associating with Derek ever since he almost tried to kill both Lydia and Jackson. He hadn't been to her apartment in weeks, making it impossible for them to even have a civil conversation. She was past her angry phase, now she just needed to talk  to him about the information she got from Deaton. Although he was cut from her life right now, he still had a right to know what she was, and what is going on with her. More importantly, where her mom had been on her so-called vacation. But there was no time, none at all. When Stiles' dad realized her guardian wasn't coming, Sage watched as he put the phone down. It wasn't brought up again. 

        The sound of a door opening made Sage shoot up in her seat, looking to see that Scott and Melissa were emerging from the room, both mirroring looks of defeat and disappointment. Melissa barely glanced at her, moving around to reach her son. Sage frowned, and stepped back to give the family space. She really didn't want to pry into their lives. Scott may be one of her best friends, and she might know almost everything about his life, but she wasn't going to interrupt. She walked into the room they just exited, and saw that Stiles and his dad were standing there, sharing glowering looks. 

        "Hey, sorry to interrupt," Sage apologized, nearly wincing when she heard how hoarse her voice was from not having talked in the past hour. "Um, Stiles, when you two are done, do you think you could give me a ride home?" 

        Both of the male's had turned to look at her, their faces softening. Stiles immediately answered. "Yeah, of course." He turned to his dad. "Can we go? Or is there something else I need to be yelled at for?"

        He sighed, and rubbed his eyes before nodding "Go ahead, and be careful." 

        Stiles pulled his keys from his pocket, holding them tightly in his palm as he grabbed Sage's hand, the two of the starting to walk out of the room. Right before they were turning to leave, they glanced to make sure their friend was okay. He was being yelled at by Melissa, although it wasn't really yelling seeing as though the woman didn't have a mean muscle in her body. 

        "Fine, no TV," She decided, crossing her arms over her chest. Scott looked over his mom's shoulder to see his two friends standing there, mimicked looks of guilt contorting on their faces. He didn't see why they looked like that, seeing as though he didn't exactly go against the plan. He was just as much involved as they were. 

        Scott pursed his lips, looking back towards his mom. "My TV's broken, remember?" 

        "Then no computer!" Melissa opted, shaking her head as she tried to think of any other punishment. Sage winced when she heard how the mother's voice almost cracked. It was extremely difficult to watch. Melissa was such a good mother, something that both Stiles and Sage haven't even experienced for a long time. It just felt horrible to watch their only real mother figure begin to crack. 

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