His Awkward Introduction

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He's that strange and quiet kid from class 2304 who shares the same government and cooking class with you. No one talks to Seth. He's got that black hair and red eyes with a lip piercing that screams, 'I'll kill you if you mess with me'. Perhaps he's that rich bad boy in class. All the girls love him and all the boys envy him; after all he's quite the looker—Ha ha, but let's be honest here! You two and your friends have already graduated college last year and have entered the real world now. The real one we're focusing on is someone by the name of Pierce Satou, although you believe that his name is a bit strange to be true. He actually has white hair that he probably dyed and brown eyes to which he calls 'poop brown'. He doesn't have piercings though and squirms at the thought of having them.

"They look painful!" Pierce exclaims whenever someone asks him if he ever thought of getting one. If anyone thought of him as a bad boy, they'd need major glasses because Pierce here loves cute things like stuffed animals, candy, and pastries. Not forgetting his looks that are just average and he was never the most popular kid. No girl outside his small circle of friends ever really approached him like that. However, his friends would back each other up no matter what. Don't mention his freckles too much though. He gets self-conscious about them sometimes. Even his book smarts are a little above average, but that's what happens to any student who has to force their time in classes instead of learning the fundamentals of life. Also, he's not really that rich; middle class to be exact. He works hard at his job as a server—perhaps even harder than anyone else—to achieve his goals. Most importantly, don't forget his childish attitude that you somehow fell in love with.

But you can't help who you fall in love with, really.

Looking back into your college years, the two of you shared the same cooking class together since he at the time was planning to inherit his parent's café and you planned on being a chef. Both of you and two others were in the same group for this recipe since the class can only have so many ovens in one room. The recipe just consisted of a simple cinnamon apple pie and the four of you got to work. Pierce insisted to be the head chef and you decided to be his assistant since the other two group members only took this class for an easy 'A'. He started on the dough and you started cutting apples while the others preheated the oven and prepared the equipment.

You decided to take a little peek at his work and his dough looked simply amazing. It was a prefect shade of cream and has the right amount of ingredients mixed together—not too dry and not too wet. Some people from other groups mistakenly forgot to flour the surface of the table and their hands, but he remembered to use it even on the rolling pin. Your heart fluttered a little when you spotted a passionate smile on his face rolling out the dough and placing the bottom into the pie pan. You were so distracted that you accidentally cut yourself and winced a bit in pain. Your group members noticed this and Pierce immediately stopped what he was doing and quickly took your injured finger into the gentle running waters of the sink. This noise caught the attention of the whole classroom since the professor saw what happened and asked you to wait here so she can grab a bandage from the back room. A certain raven-haired man with a lip piercing saw your closeness and then just ignored it. The rest of the class decided to just go back to work and finish their pie.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

You told him you were fine and thanked him for his kind gesture. Your face was turning pink until he opened his mouth again.

"I meant the pie. Can't have your blood in it, it'll taste gross."

You gave him the stink-eye. How could he be more concerned about the pie more than your own physical being? You were about to give him a piece of your mind before you saw a big smile on his face and a small blush.

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