His Pierce

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But nothing happened that night. Why would he do such a thing? He's not like that.

You woke up that morning feeling a heavy weight against your chest. Upon looking down at it, you saw that Pierce was laying his head snuggled right on your chest and his arms wrapped around you in a tight embrace like a child hugging a teddy bear. You looked down at the empty mattress on the floor and shook your head. He decided to sleep in the same bed as you anyway. Pierce woke up with a start when you gently karate-chopped his head.

"Nooooo..." he whined, "I want to stay longer... I don't want to go..."

You laughed and told him you have plenty of time to spend together now that the both of you are here. To that, he agreed gleefully. You've been wondering how your apartment caught on fire. News was relayed to you by other residents of the complex, but no one was using anything that was flammable or left anything on that could catch fire at all. To this, the origin of the fire became a complete mystery to you. It was almost as if the fire came out of nowhere like magic.

As if he heard your thoughts, Pierce was metaphorically sweating bullets. He needed to get your mind out of what he had done.

"You hungry? I'll make breakfast!" he asked as he quickly got up and ran out to prepare something. For some reason, your mind trailed to needing to use the bathroom and getting ready. Out of nowhere, the thought of the fire fled your mind.

Pierce was flipping pancakes and putting them together with berries and syrup. He thought about what he had done since the beginning of the first chapter. Why did he act this way? Plus, why was it so bad last chapter? Something was clearly eating him up inside and it wasn't good.

As the author watched the two have a normal morning, she saw that the computer in use was a virus. No matter what anti-virus program was used, the virus stayed and spread even further. It was too late for these two. This virus was putting you two together and making you both dependent on each other. Not only was it affecting Pierce's mentality, but it was also affecting yours. How come you aren't fighting back whenever you thought Pierce was acting strangely? Or have you not noticed? Lately, he had been determined to destroy anyone going near you.

Whatever the reason, the author wishes to have the virus removed very soon.

By the kitchen counter, Pierce had a certain flash drive in his pocket.


After going shopping with you for clothes, groceries, and hygienic essentials, Pierce wanted to re-watch his favorite childhood show. Lostfall was having its eighty year anniversary marathon and the both of you wanted to watch—more like Pierce wanted it and you were just curious about what he was interested in.

You noticed that since this show was set and made eighty years ago, there was low quality sound and the screen was black and white. In the first episode, the protagonist was living a very boring and mundane life. He wakes up, goes to school for young children, and goes back home. He then makes a wish to have more excitement and a much more interesting life than to go to this prison the adults called a school. At this point, it was obvious that the creators were trying to make the child relatable to other kids. They're always bored, hate school, and only wanting to play around.

"I'm so bored!!! There's nothing to do!" the protagonist, Pierce, complained to his mother.

"Then why don't you help Mommy wash the dishes?" she teased.

"Nooo! I don't want to!" the protagonist then runs back to his room and sees a shooting star that appeared out of the blue shoot across the skies. The child jumped up and down thinking that the legend of wishing on shooting stars can make your wish come true. And he made his wish.

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