His Friends are Your Friends

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You tried looking it up on the internet, but no such thing popped up. Everything came up as 'No matches' or 'no results'. It seems even looking it up on your phone yielded no results. You were in another restaurant commonly known for its French cuisine with Pierce waiting for his friends to arrive any minute now. Since you all have graduated, everyone had to go find jobs miles away from each other. This made the both you sad that you couldn't see your friends as often as you used to. The existence of school and college really helped make that effort to see people without even trying. Now, you actually have to schedule a time and a place to meet people you wish to talk to.

It's really not the same as seeing someone on the phone or social media. Calls and texts may be nice, but it's not the same when you cannot meet and hug them and talk for as long as you want without worrying about the phone bill.

"Nooooo, don't be on your phone." Pierce covered the screen of your phone with his hand and pouted.

And he's right. You didn't want to be the type of person who couldn't pull their noses out of their technology or whatever caught your attention enough to turn you into a zombie so you put the phone in your pocket. It would be quite rude if you were on your phone when your friends are trying to communicate with you, too.

Just five minutes later, a group of people entered through the door and talked to the server up front. One of them pointed to you and Pierce and the server let the group walk to you. They all greeted you with a smile and sat down.

"Hey, sorry we're a little late. There was traffic," said Melanie. She apologized kindly and sat her purse on the table next to her. She has tanned skin, brown eyes, and short brown hair with large curls. Melanie was the type of person who enjoyed wearing dresses everyday of her life even in class. Although she's not the worst, her grades were more less than average, but she doesn't mind. Now, she's living her life as a librarian.

"There's always traffic at six in the evening..." said Philip, Melanie's fiancé. He has dirty blond hair, light skin, and light brown eyes. Not only that, but he also has thick freckles on his cheeks. You guessed that's how he and Pierce became friends. The two of them were in Pierce's circle of friends that you came to know and they were in a relationship for years. They then finally decided to tie the knot. Now, he's a computer programmer.

"It's alright. We're not even that late. It's only eight minutes after the suggested time," said Shaun as he straightened his hair with his hands. He has blue eyes, lightly tanned skin, and dyed red hair. He's lactose intolerant. Shaun was the person in class who everyone liked and got along with. He was extremely extroverted and always helped other students with their studies since his scores were highly above average. Now, he's a doctor who opened his own clinic.

The one who sits right next to him chuckles along since she's not much of a talker. Her name is Diana and she's Shaun's lover. She has medium black hair, dark skin, and dark brown eyes. She and Shaun met when they were in competition with each other in college for an essay prize. She eventually won it and Shaun felt instantly in love. They're polar opposites, but they match each other well. Now, she's a literature professor who works at the college you all graduated from.

"Great! Everyone's here!" Pierce clapped once and smiled.

Pierce was looking at all of them for the first time in a few months. He couldn't contain his happiness that he can finally talk to everyone again and they're all sure that they're glad to come together again as well.

"I would also like to announce... I'm dating my sweetheart here!" Pierce has his arm around you and pulls you close. The two of you smile at each other.

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