His Plans and Cream Hearts

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I may have underestimated this plan a little. Pierce thought as he was carrying a large tray full of three cheeseburgers with a side of potato fries for the teens, one sandwich containing: cheese, grilled chicken, tomato, cilantro, lettuce, diced onions, bacon bits, and mushrooms for the father, and one fresh salad with ranch dressing for the mother. He placed each plate carefully on the tables near their drinks they received earlier—none of which is coffee of course. In fact, one of the customers brought an iced mocha in a to-go cup from Seth's place—which really irked him to no end that they would bring rival products to his place, but he mustn't show it on his face or else customers will complain if the servers aren't smiling. After returning to the front counter, he put the tray back in place for later and sighed. His legs were screaming for him to take a break, but the customers keep coming.

It's not like as if he can just spy on Seth at every moment and he's not made of money since his parents just started this café two years ago so profits are only beginning to come nor does he have any connections for such outlandish things like spy cameras or tracking devices. If anything, he had to do this the hard way. He'll think of something after his shift in his room on the upstairs level of the building. At least if one thing, he lives on top of the café so if he's tired after his shift, his room is already nearby.

"Well... Better a busy place than an empty one..." He sighed as took out his small notepad.

"Exactly." Two voices with thick accents say in unison from behind him. Both voices of which belong to his biological parents: Susan, the mother sporting a turquoise suit dress who is a brunette and the same brown eyes that Pierce inherited from birth; woman of class who always enjoyed going to the salon to get her nails done and long wavy hair that she maintains every morning. Don't forget her freckles. An air of authority dances around her like a tango whenever she enters a room, making sure that no one steps out of line. Next to her is Kai, the father in a gray suit who also has black hair with a few gray strands on the sides and soft brown eyes. He is a man whose aura defined him as a very friendly and approachable man. Compared to Susan, Kai was more like the life of a party that everyone flocked towards to start a drinking challenge. Kai knew how to hold his liquor and his belly showed it. It seems they are back from their previous engagement in a different town over. They planned to let Pierce inherit this café while they plan to start another for further investment in the future.

"But we need to ace the makings of coffee if we want to beat our competition." Susan said.

"Don't worry, Yu—I mean Pierce already knows how to make Americano!" Kai laughs, "Still got a long ways to go!"

"Got to go!" Pierce ignored them almost calling him by his real name and walked to the customer that just entered at the front. He almost gasped as he recognized that 'customer' to be you, showing up alone with a smile on your face. Because how convenient is it that you decided to show up? Every time Pierce was in your line of sight, you couldn't help but smile. Through that past couple of weeks, he had been by your side after the rejection and always attempted to cheer you up by calling, texting, going to the movies, the beach, the park, and many other places you've never been to. There were times when he tried to get a little too close, but you brushed it off as him trying to get to know you better. The both of you knew it was difficult to try to open up with one another, but you two at least tried. In about a month or so, the day of Hollow's Eve: his favorite time of the year is about to arrive and Pierce planned to take you to a haunted house and out to get some free candy. Hopefully, you're braver than you look.

One time, Pierce took you to the movies to see Caskets of the Dead and to you, it was a little terrifying. Pierce however, hated cheap jump scares but began to somewhat like them whenever your hand held and squeezed his every time you gasped at the large screen. If only he could just glue your hands to his...

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