Car Crash (pt.1) ツ

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You're vision was blurred, it was hard for you to breathe, it felt like there was an elephant siting on your chest. You're body was hurting all over, you couldn't move any of your limbs. "How did this happen?" you thought.

"Ma'am can you hear me?" one of the paramedics asked

It hurt too much to talk and to even nod your head. All you did was stare at them with pain written all over your face.

"Miss you were involved in a car accident. You have pretty sever injuries so try not to move so much"

"Big-Hit." you rasped out.

"Your Kim Y/N, yes?"


"Your in good hands Miss Y/N. Were going to take care of you. Now no more talking, you can make your injuries worse."

He (the paramedic) was correct. After speaking those two words the pain became even worse. Seconds later you seen blackness.

Namjoon's POV

Me and the boys were waiting for Y/n to come back with the take out when I got a phone call from manager-nim.

"Hello manager nim, why are you calling this late?" I asked

"Namjoon you and the boys need to make your way to the hospital. Y/n was involved in a car accident"

"We'll be right there" I quickly hung up the phone and grabbed my shoes and jacket.

"Hyung whats going on?" Jungkook asked

I looked at all the boys with tears in my eyes

"Y/n was in a car accident... we need to get to the hospital" I said while one stray tear fell down my cheeks. Being leader means I keep my feelings inside to keep everyone calm and collected. But this was the first time I couldn't keep it inside. My little girl was in a car accident and was in pain.

"Let's go then. Kids get you coats!" Jin yelled.

Time skip to the hospital

"Hi how can I help you gentlemen?" the lady at the front desk asked us.

"We're here for Kim Y/n" I informed the lady.

"You must be bts." an unknown voice asked

"Yes, who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Y/n's nurse Lee Amanda. The doctor asked me to inform her family about her condition, her doctor is currently performing her surgery."

"Ms. Lee, is she going to be okay?" yoongi asked

"We're not sure yet. When we pulled her from the car crash she had broken ribs. Which isn't as serious. But her broken ribs poked a hole in her lungs, causing it to fill up with blood. This can be life threatening.Our doctors are trying their best to save her, but there's a 50% chance she wont wake up."

"God please no.." Hobi whispered. His sunshine might not make it through this. Bangtan's princess might not wake up.

"I'm sorry *she puts a hand on hobi's shoulder* Once shes out of surgery is over i'll come find you boys. All you can do for now is pray, she'll be in my prays and thoughts" she said ending with a sad smile.

All the boy sat down in the waiting area in disbelief, all the boys were crying.

Hours later (Third person POV)

"Y/n is out of surgery now boys" Ms. Less stated

They all followed the nurse to Y/n's room. They gasped at the horrifying sight.

Y/n pale as ever, IV's stuck in her arm, cuts all over her face, and bandages covering the top of her body. Yoongi was the first one of the boys to go to her. He grabbed a hold of her hand and said,

"Please don't leave us princess. We need you. But if your in pain, if your suffering, you can let go." after he finished his sentence he started crying into Y/n hand. The rest of the boys were crying, Jin rubbing Yoongi's back trying to calm him down. All of a sudden they heard a "BEEPPPPPPP"


It's still hard to breathe and my whole body still hurts.

yoongi- "Please don't leave us princess. We need you. But if your in pain, if your suffering, you can let go."

After Yoongi says those words, I see a white light. followed by that white light I see a middle aged woman standing there waving me over.


"Hi sweetie" she showed me her famous eye smile.

" hurts." I cried while hugging her.

"Do you want to come back with me?" she asked

"I want to but where are we going to go?"

"We're gonna live with the angels in the sky." she explained while giving me her hand to grab. I grabbed her hand and followed her towards the white light.

Boys POV

Once we heard the flat line sound we all looked at each other worriedly. Nurses and doctors came rushing in.

"You can't be here. You have to leave the room." he said while pushing us out of the room.

We kept seeing doctors rushing into the room when all of a sudden we heard

"We're losing her!"

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