Jack the ripper AU pt.2 ツ

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Jimin POV:

The boys and I were out at the street market, picking up essentials when I hear,


"Poor girl, I hope they didn't have a family. No family should have to go through that." Taehyung said while grabbing the bread we had just paid for.

"Has anyone heard from Aera? I haven't seen her around today." Yoongi asked

"We can head over to her house later. Hopefully shes okay." Namjoon stated

All the boys grabbed their newly bought items and went back to their home. Not knowing that they were about to discover something life changing.

They opened their front door, placing all their newly bought items on the main table, grabbing the spare key you had given them and heading back out the door, making their way to your apartment.

Upon arrival, they were welcomed to an empty apartment. They were all confused, not knowing where else you would be. Yes, you would've worked today but they had previously passed by on their way to your home. No sign of you there.

"Hyungs, what should we do?" Taehyung asked jin and namjoon

"We wait for her at our house. Maybe she's just out shopping." Yoongi interrupted.

Making their way home, they were all silent until jungkook spoke up.

"Guys, what if she was the body..."

"Never say such things!!" Jimin shouted

"He's not wrong though, it's possible!" Taehyung argued

"All of you, enough! Stop jumping to conclusions!" Hoseok shouted at the three

Silence continued on for the rest of the day. It was about 3 in the afternoon when the boys heard a knock on their door.

Hoseok got up and opened the door, only to be welcomed by a two police officer.

"Good afternoon, are your other housemates home?" One officer stated coldly, getting straight to the point.

"Uh, yes. Is everything alright?"

"You all need to come with us."

All the members were asked to exit the house and they were put into handcuffs to ensure they wouldn't escape.


"You must be wondering why you all are here. Your friend Aera, was found murdered this morning. She was stabbed in her abdomen." A office informed.

All of them sat in silence, their best friend had be murdered. After a few seconds of silence, yoongi spoke up.

"Do you know if she suffered..?" He asked as silent tears rolled down his face

"It appeared to only be one wound. She was left to bleed out."

Yoongi broke down in sobs. They all were sobbing. Wishing that this was all a bad dream they could wake up from.

One by one, the boys were Interrogated by the police.

"Min yoongi, you were the victims boyfriend. Have you had any recent fights with her lately?"

"Of course not. She was and is the love of my life. I would never think of laying a hand on her."

"When was your last fight? What was it about and how bad was it?" The persistent office asked.

"It was two months ago. She had gotten upset since I worry about her. She said she wanted space, for me to be less protective." Yoongi looked down. Blaming himself that if he just would've walked you home, this wouldn't have happened.

"That's all for now."

This continued on for the rest of the boys.
"Where were you yesterday night?" The officers asked roughly to taehyung

"I was with my friends, sir"

"What were you doing at the time Ms. Kim left your home?"

"I had fallen asleep before she left."

"How close were you with the victim?"

"She was my best friend. I viewed her as a little sister." He said while tears fell from his face.

"Thats all for now."
Hours later, the boys were released from the polices hold. Since it was such an emotional day, they were straight home to process the devastating news.


Jimin, yoongi, jin, and Namjoon had gone out to the market to pick up an item they forgot yesterday. Little did they know, one of them wasn't going to come back home.

"Min yoongi?" An officer asked while the males were looking at the fruits available.

"Yes?" Yoongi asked turning around

"You're under arrest for the murder of Kim Aera." The officers roughly and pinned yoongi on the floor while cuffing him.

Jin, Namjoon, and jimin were yelling at the officer saying that this was a misunderstanding.

Taehyung watched everything unfold, smirking. Once the officer punched yoongi for resisting, Taehyung walked away from the scene. The same eerie whistling was heard in the alley.

Hello everyone! I just want to take a second to thank you all for remaining patient for me to update. Also, I hope you found this AU good enough! I hope you all are staying safe and are all healthy!!

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